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At Next Economy workshop talking about time exchanges and other forms of alt.currency.
@tparish That urls links to your calendar!
Next Economy Alternative Currency workshop 10-2:30 today at Ruiz Library in Austin.
Another post at - this one resonds to @fadereu re politics of innovation.
@frank_souders Saw it - I was just wondering what event you were going to
@frank_souders Is that the thing at Emo's? Looks interesting, wish I could make it. Bark at the moon once for me.
Home and realizing there's a lot of cool stuff tonight. I'm too busy and tired to do anything, sigh. Great meetings today, though.
Blogging at I’m guest blogging at’s “Stop Global Warming” blog th..
That was in the 70s. It's changed a lot since then.
I'm presenting to members of the San Marcos (Texas) Chamber of Commerce today about social networking. I lived 2-3 yrs in San Marcos.
@fadereu I wanted to develop "politics of innovation" more but ran out of time. I can talk about it more in another post.
@fadereu I agree, Rohit. The header refers to what was initially the closing paragraph, though I moved it to the opening.
So long to Efjay the Ackermonster: Forrest J. Ackerman was the world’s foremost science fiction fan, as we..
Another guest post at
02 Horizontal--Showing The Problem So You Can Read It More Easily
@AdRanchJason Okay, sounds good! Just let me know.
Just finished a very interesting conversation with Mark Tovey about democracy, dialog, and deliberation.
Maybe that site just requires registration. Weird.
At Plutopia planning meeting.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross Tara missrogue Hunt Dion Hinchcliffe Trei Brundrett Joseph Matheny Scott Beale Peter Rothman Thomas Vander Wal Clay Johnson Jason Calacanis GregElin lane George Brett Nancy Scola Derek Powazek Mike Sugarbaker Ruby Sinreich Aldon Hynes Dean Landsman Edward Vielmetti Brian Kerr Mark Frauenfelder Chris Brogan Chuck Olsen Beth Kanter Alan Weinkrantz Heath Row Gareth Branwyn David Guttman
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