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Column by Ben Chandler 

May 23, 2008

Congress to the Commonwealth: Land of the Free, Because of the Brave

By Congressman Ben Chandler


I was in the Northern Kentucky Airport a few weeks ago on my way to Washington and saw three of our young men in uniform in the terminal, potentially on their way to Iraq. As the soldiers passed the gates, fresh-faced and camouflage-covered, one man in the terminal quietly turned off his cell phone and started to clap. As others noticed, one-by-one, a wave of people started to clap, turning one man’s small gesture into moving, general applause.

More than 16,000 Kentuckians have served in the current conflicts since September 2001, and this month is the perfect opportunity to show our support for these brave men and women in uniform. As you may know, May is not only the month of Memorial Day; it is also National Military Appreciation Month.  This gives us a renewed opportunity to reach out to those soldiers in our communities, lend support to their families, and–regardless of our political leanings–let our troops know that we acknowledge and appreciate their efforts and sacrifices.

Right now in Congress, we are fighting to support our troops in a number of ways, and improving veterans healthcare is paramount. This Congress not only enacted the Wounded Warriors Assistance Act to increase the standards of veterans healthcare, but also enacted the largest funding increase to veterans healthcare in our nation’s history. This increase directly affects over 5 million veterans throughout the country, and will also assist those veterans in need of crucial mental health services. 

Congress also has passed historic educational reforms for our troops. If the President signs it, the new GI Bill would fund a full, four-year public education for our soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. In the GI Bill established after World War II, each dollar spent on education translated into a seven-fold return to the economy. Therefore, this significant increase in educational funding not only helps the troops and their families, but could provide a much-needed boost to the economy, creating the best kind of economic stimulus.

In addition to increasing military pay by 3.9 percent, Congress is also strengthening our military and its readiness by authorizing over $2.65 billion to help with equipment shortages, barracks in need of repair, and life-saving training.

While Congress can do a lot for our troops, we all can show our heroes, past and present, that we support them.  You can donate frequent flyer miles, phone cards, or even just give your time to a veterans hospital or other organization. Sending cards, care packages, or inviting one of our heroes to speak at your school or church is another simple way to show your support. However, the most important thing you can do is just to say “thank you.”

We live in the land of the free because of the brave.  So this month let us all stand united to commemorate, support, and recognize our brave men and women in the Armed Forces for their gifts and sacrifices.  As Americans and Kentuckians it is the very least we can do.

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