Office of Congressman Vic Snyder Flag animation Arkansas 2nd district
News and Views
November 17, 2006
Press Release

Contact: Katie Laning, Lincoln (202) 224-4843

Lisa Ackerman, Pryor (202) 224-2353

Jennifer Holman, Snyder (501) 324-5943

Lincoln, Pryor, Snyder Announce Training Assistance
for Displaced Searcy Maytag Workers

Washington, DCWorkers displaced from the closing of the Whirlpool-owned Maytag dryer plant in Searcy will be eligible for job training assistance from the U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor and Representative Vic Snyder announced today.

The Department of Labor (DOL) has certified that the workers of the Searcy Magtag facility who became totally or partially separated from employment on or after October 11, 2005, are eligible to apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and Alternative TAA (ATAA) for older workers. Approximately 600 workers will be eligible for the two programs.

"The hardworking men and women of the Searcy Maytag plant are the heart and soul of their community," Lincoln said. "We owe it to their families to provide them the assistance they need to move past this difficult time."

"Struggling families in Searcy know trade benefits are not a substitute for a paycheck, but the support and training available to them now will help many former Maytag employees stay above water until they find new employment," Pryor said. "I hope the community will continue to reach out and care for these individuals as they seek new opportunities."

"I hope that this employment training assistance comes as a little good news for those people in Searcy who recently got the bad news that their jobs were being eliminated," Snyder said. "I encourage anyone who can to take advantage of this valuable program."

On May 10, Whirlpool, Inc. announced it would close the laundry appliance plant in Searcy by the end of 2006. Following that announcement, Lincoln and Pryor requested immediate assistance of DOL in helping displaced Maytag workers get back on their feet. In a letter to DOL Secretary Elaine Chao, the Arkansas legislators called on DOL to certify the Searcy workers as eligible for assistance to help them return to suitable employment as quickly as possible.

The TAA program benefits and services are provided to help eligible workers get back to work. The ATAA program allows older workers, for whom retraining may not be appropriate, to accept reemployment at a lower wage and receive a wage subsidy. Both TAA and ATAA programs offer services such as employment counseling, resume writing and interview skills workshops, job search programs, and job referrals. In addition, some workers in these programs may be eligible to receive tax credits for health care costs.



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