Office of Congressman Vic Snyder Flag animation Arkansas 2nd district
News and Views
July 28, 2006
Press Release


Arkansas Congressional Delegation Announces More Than
$3.6 Million for Arkansas Colleges, Universities

Washington, DCThe Arkansas Congressional delegation announced today that federal grants totaling $3,693,603 have been awarded to 11 colleges and universities in the state.

The grants were announced jointly by U.S. Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor and Representatives Marion Berry (AR 01), Vic Snyder (AR 02), John Boozman (AR 03), and Mike Ross (AR 04). 

The U.S. Department of Education will award the grants through the TRIO Talent Search Program.

The goal of the TRIO Talent Search Program is to encourage students from disadvantaged backgrounds to graduate from high school and to prepare them for enrollment in the higher education institution of their choice.  The program also encourages those who have left high school to complete their education. 

The Talent Search Program provides services such as academic and career counseling as well as  assistance in preparing for college entrance exams.  The program also gives students exposure to college campuses, provides information on student financial assistance, and lends support in completing admissions and financial aid applications.

"These federal grants provide Arkansas colleges and universities with the tools needed to promote education in their communities," Lincoln said.  "Our institutions have successfully used the TRIO program to provide new opportunities and level the playing field for students who start with fewer advantages.  I will continue my work to strengthen this program that has positively impacted the lives of many young people in Arkansas." 
"The TRIO Talent Search program helps young adults choose a brighter path toward their education and future," Pryor said.  "This funding will open up doors of opportunity for thousands of disadvantaged students in Arkansas to attend college.  It’s an investment critical to our communities, and I will continue to fight against efforts to cut future funding to this program."

"The TRIO program is one of the most successful federal programs for promoting higher education in our communities," said Berry.  "I am pleased to see so many schools in our state receive awards this year – especially at a time when our educational system is struggling with budget cuts and limited resources.  I commend these institutions for their commitment to academic excellence and look forward to working with them in the future to improve educational opportunities for all students."

"TRIO programs motivate students and provide the means and support necessary for them to seek higher education," Snyder said.  "TRIO funds help open doors for those who otherwise might not have access to the many great higher educational opportunities available in Arkansas."

"I am pleased that the Department of Education continues to recognize the great work done by TRIO programs in Arkansas," Boozman said.  "Every day they help open doors and improve the lives of young people in our state."

"I am committed to encouraging high school graduates to seek a college degree, because an educated work force is an investment in the future of Arkansas," Ross said.  "I’m proud that so many colleges and universities in the Fourth District will benefit from this worthwhile program, and I will continue to advocate that we fund important programs like TRIO so that we can help even more students prepare for college."

The following schools in Arkansas received TRIO Talent Search grants:

First Congressional District
• Arkansas Northeastern College  (Blytheville)   $474,084

Second Congressional District
• University of Arkansas at Little Rock (Little Rock)   $471,142

Third Congressional District
• North Arkansas College   (Harrison)  $538,131
• University of Arkansas at Fayetteville (Fayetteville)  $849,028

Fourth Congressional District
• Henderson State University  (Arkadelphia) $214,260
• National Park Community College (Hot Springs) $249,178
• Ouachita Baptist University  (Arkadelphia) $379,984
• Rich Mountain Community College (Mena)  $297,796
• Southern Arkansas University  (Magnolia)  $220,000

For more information, contact Katie Laning (Lincoln) at (202) 224 4843; Lisa Ackerman (Pryor) at (202) 224 2353; Lillian Pace (Berry) at (202) 225 4076; Jennifer Oglesby Holman (Snyder) at (501) 324 5941; Kathy Watson (Boozman) at (479) 782-7787; or Jon Niven (Ross) at (202) 225 0753.


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