Office of Congressman Vic Snyder Flag animation Arkansas 2nd district
News and Views
July 25, 2007
Press Release

Lincoln, Pryor & Snyder Announce
$299,000 for Little Rock School District
Funding to Support Literacy Program


Washington, DCU.S. Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor along with U.S. Representative Vic Snyder announced today that the Little Rock School District has been awarded a $299,723 grant from the Department of Education's Literacy and School Libraries Program. The funding will be used to improve library programs and services for 5,479 students at seven designated schools.

"Reading is the foundation for success in the classroom," said Lincoln. "These federal funds will help put new books and advanced technology right at the fingertips of students who need to develop critical literacy skills. I applaud the Little Rock School District for investing in a literacy program that will give students the resources they need to reach their fullest academic potential."

"School libraries are a wonderful gateway to imagination and exploration," said Pryor. "However, students are more likely take advantage of these special places if materials and technological resources are up-to-date. This funding is great example of how federal, state and local officials can work together to improve the lives and literacy rates of students within the Little Rock school district."

"Literacy and library access programs like these are so vital to the education of our young people," said Congressman Vic Snyder. "Our humanity depends on books and reading, and this funding will help support a wonderful intersection between healthy parenting, healthy children and enthusiastic reading."

The Little Rock School District will use these funds to update book collections, acquire advanced technology for media centers, and strengthen collaboration among classroom teachers and library staff. The funding will also be used to increase access to library collections and technology through extended day programs after school and during the summer months. In addition, parent and family involvement will be encouraged through intensive outreach using a variety of print and electronic communications strategies and special programming.


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