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Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

General Resources:
Central and Eastern Europe

Created and maintained by the
 European Division
Collections and Services Directorate

Internet resources for the individual countries of Europe may be found on this site's Selected Internet Resources: Europe page.

Country Studies: Area Handbook Series (
The Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress published extensive handbooks on approximately 80 countries during the 1980s and early/mid 1990s. These are now available as e-books, covering each country's history, geography, economy, society, transportation and telecommunications, government and politics, and national security.

U.S. State Department--Background Notes (
Facts about the land, people, history, government, political conditions, economy, and foreign relations of independent states, some dependencies, and areas of special sovereignty. Click on country link.

U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook (
General information and statistics about the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, with the following subdivisions: introduction, geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues. Select country from menu.

L'Association française d'études sur les Balkans (
The French Association for Balkan Studies publishes a journal, Balkanologie, of which its first two issues, 1997, are online. The association also makes available annual reports (1983-1996) on individual Balkan countries from the economic and geopolitical annual "Létat du monde." It provides a portal as well, under 'Les Balkans sur Internet: liens utiles.' And it provides other reports under 'Balkans Actualités'.

Databases on Eastern Europe (
The German Social Science Infrastructure Service has compiled two databases to facilitate communication between Eastern and Western researchers of the social sciences. The extensive databases concern Eastern European social science research institutions and projects. Enquiries of the database are welcomed, but must be submitted via email rather than directly searching the databases. The 'Publications' section links to their newsletter, Social Sciences in Eastern Europe, which is archived back to 1996, with each issue describing specific social science research centers in Eastern European countries.

General Portals

Balkanpeace (
The 'Hyperlinks' section is dated but still of interest for its breadth, with categories: general resources; country-specific sources; associations, institutes, research centres and groups, networks; scholarly journals; publishers (scholarly works on the Balkans); media and other news sources; culture and society; economy; geography and environment; human rights and peace issues; politics and international relations; and history. Also contains maps and texts. Provided by the BalkanPeace International Research Network, which promotes research, education, publishing and other scholarly activities. Its site is in English and French, hosted by the University of Ottawa, Canada.

Central & Eastern European Directory On-Line (
Based in England, this directory provides annotated links to several other (mostly Western) European portals which focus on Central and Eastern Europe. In English.

One World - Nations Online (
Provides portals for many countries. In English.

REENIC: General Resources on Eastern and Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union (
Extensive set of links to all countries of the region.

Southeastern Europe Web Links-United States Institute of Peace Library and Links (
The United States Institute of Peace Library provides this nicely arranged and annotated portal to selected general resources, government agencies, international organizations, regional initiatives, and primary documents.


All Nations, Expatriates & Travelers Telephone Search Engine (
Includes dialing codes, directories, embassies, voltages and rates world-wide. In English.

Meta Email Search Agent searches several email directories simultaneously. Based in Hannover, Germany.

Telephone Directories on the Web, Phone Books, White Pages, Yellow Pages (
Phone books from all around the world. Yellow pages, white pages, fax listings, business directories, email addesses and more. Alphabetic, residential, classified, people, companies, reverse search, search by address, many international countries.

Enter the name of a person and the word 'email' into Google or other large search engines and the search will often retrieve a webpage with that person's email address. In addition, the Library of Congress and other libraries possess collections of foreign address/telephone directories published throughout the 20th century or before

National Symbols

National Anthems (
For each country's national anthem, the website provides an audio file and the lyrics in the national language and in English. Links to additional sites which cover national anthems.

Flags of the World (
Provides the current flag for each country, earlier flags, and coats of arms.

World Flag Database (
Provides the current official flag for each country.

Statistical Resources

Census in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union (
This annotated collection of links describes the types of materials currently available and gives the census date for each country. Web sites listed are that of the official statistical or census agency of each country; if no census materials appear on these pages, other authoritative web sites are offered.

CIFP -- Country Indicators for Foreign Policy (
The CIFP project goes far beyond just foreign policy, covering many aspects of government and society. It was initiated in 1997 by two Canadian institutions: the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) and the Norman Patterson School of International Affairs. The CIFP database includes over one hundred performance indicators for 196 countries, spanning 15 years for most indicators. The data are drawn from open sources, including UN offices, the World Bank, etc, and attempt to measure domestic armed conflict, governance and political instability, militarization, religious and ethnic diversity, demographic stress, economic performance, human development, environmental stress, and international linkages.

InfoNation - International Comparisons (
Maintained by the United Nations. Allows the user to select up to five countries and view a comparative statistical chart for them by clicking on one of the following: Overview; Economy, Environment, Health, and Technology. Each of those 5 categories includes several statistical indicators. 'Overview' includes demographic indicators. In English.

National Statistical Agencies and Offices (
The International Documents Librarian at Pennsylvania State University compiles this set of links, arranged by country. In English.

Population Index On The Web (
Population Index is a quarterly periodical which began in 1935. Each issue presents an annotated bibliography of recently published books, journal articles and other materials on population topics. The website makes available a bibliographic database of the journal's contents from 1986 to 2000. Hundreds of the database citations pertain to populations in the Balkans.

Sources of International Statistics on the Internet (
An excellent, annotated source for statistics in all fields. Its categories include: U.S. government sources; foreign countries; United Nations system; intergovernmental organizations; non-governmental organizations; academic sources; search engines & metasites. Maintained by the University of Maryland Libraries.

Statistical resources on the Web (
Another excellent, annotated source for statistics in all fields, grouped within 24 categories. Maintained by the University of Michigan Documents Center.

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  Library of Congress   >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Central and Eastern Europe
  January 9, 2009
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