So You Wanna Know About Nullsoft?


Justin Frankel (right), in mid 1997, in his hometown of Sedona, AZ.

First time on the site, huh? We invite you to take a look around. Just try not to step in any llama poop.

Hey!!!!!! Before you go off wandering on your own it might be best if we clue you to what you are going to find. Random clicking of links can get you lost and this is not the safest place in the world. Know what I'm sayin'? is home to the beloved Winamp Media player. This powerful little toy was the brainchild of diabolical genius and self-made llama philanthropist Justin Frankel. Justin had but one goal in mind while coding the early versions of Winamp. He wanted to spread his proverbial seed (referring to the dna of Winamp obviously). Once that goal was realized (thank goodness), Justin decided to give the player away so that the rest of us could find that ever-elusive thang known as amore. This was a daunting task and Justin was extremely lazy. He decided to bring new friends into the fold so that he could concentrate on his new preoccupation of doing doughnuts in his truck and driving hot cars. And so Nullsoft was born.

team party

Team Nullsoft, in October of 1999, all six fruity flavors.

The Nullsoft team is responsible for turning out new revs of the player, fostering relations with the developer community, maintaining the glorious website, and promoting a general malaise that will hopefully lead to the decline of western civilization.

You should probably drop by our team page to familiarize yourself with the kind of people that call their home.


Denny and Jonathan (left to right), give you developer love.

So what about that community that we mentioned before? Well, the Winamp community is teeming with creative individuals just like you. They live to take the player to new heights of coolness. And the Nullsoft Developers Network (NSDN) lives to serve them. The NSDN portion of our site is full of useful tools and tutorials for anyone who wants to create things for Winamp. Make skins to dress up your player or code up a plug-in to change how Winamp behaves. We leave it up to you to make Winamp exactly what you want it to be.

Once developing for Winamp gets into your blood, you can post all of those skins and plug-ins on our site so that the world can know just how sexy you are. And if you are too lazy to make them yourself or just curious as to what these uber cool savants have been up to, the community has already generated close to 20,000 skins and over 461 plug-ins. Check them out.

Toe nail

Brennan's crusty toe nail. Yumm.

Ok. Ok. I know that the real reason why you are here is because you love music. You are in for some serious luck my friend because the Winamp player will allow you to listen to just about any type of music file that you can throw at it. Be it .wav, .mp3, or what ever the hell kind of music file you can find (no 8 tracks please), Winamp is the player for you. It even plays your favorite CD's!!!!!! And you can trip out with crazy visuals by using the included AVS plug-ins while you are listening.

But wait, there is more!!!!!! Having your cake and chowing on it at the same time is what is all about. We not only provide you with the coolest player in the world but we also give you some music to play on it. Just browse our Media tab above for a never-ending stream of weekly updated free music downloads.


Tom (right), cofounder of Nullsoft, is also SHOUTcast's daddy. Mary (left) is the resident mother.

Speaking of streams, is also home to Winamp Radio. No advertisements. No useless DJ babble. Winamp Radio is pure unadulterated pirate radio. Of the people, for the people. These stations are brought to you by the amazingly powerful SHOUTcast technology. SHOUTcast allows you to be the programmer of your very own internet radio station. If you don't like what we have to offer, you can make your own and people around the world will be able to find your station from our site.

I know that this was a lot to absorb in a single sitting but this has just scratched the surface of what is waiting for you on Now break out those whips and start running down those llamas. Don't make us tell you twice.

-jonathan ward


Nullsoft, Inc.
22000 AOL Way, Dulles VA 20166
vertreten durch Julie Jacobs und Donald R. Neff

Eingetragen im Company Register von Arizona, USA unter der Nr. 0829063-0

Umsatzsteuer ID: DE251307807


Telefon: +1 703 265-0094

Telefax: +1 703 466-9170

AOL Music

Download Winamp, The #1 Free Media Player. Play your MP3, AAC, MPEG, AVI files, and more. Get free MP3 songs, videos, skins and plug-ins. Synch your iPod or Creative Zen, and get mobile music with Winamp Remote.

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