The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Jordan
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Organizations : Jordan

Includes non-governmental organizations, associations, institutes (US and abroad).

Created and maintained by the
 African & Middle Eastern Division,
Collections and Services Directorate

Al-Balqa' Applied University (
This is the site for al-Balqa' applied University. It gives information on its faculties which include engineering, applied science, agricultural technology, planning and management and an institute of traditional Islamic arts.

Amman University (
The site includes information on the faculties, facilities, registration and administration of Amman university.

Committee to Protect Journalists (
Searching this site results in a list of recent documents from a number of web sites concerning media activities and press freedom in many countries.

Development Gateway Country Overview (
"The Development Gateway helps communities, organizations, and individuals build partnerships, share ideas, and work together to reduce poverty." Search by development projects as well as by country to identify additional web sites and documents.

Directory of Development Organizations (
" The Directory is a compilation of contact data of the main sources of assistance available for private sector development (micro, small an medium-sized enterprises) and poverty reduction. A wide range of organizations is included in the Directory: international organizations, government ministries, private sector institutions, development agencies, universities, research and training institutes, NGOs/PDOs, grantmakers, banks, microfinance institutions, and development consulting firms." Searchable by keyword.

Environmental Organizations (
A list of environmental organizations throughout Jordon.

International Committee of the Red Cross (
A search of this English language version of the ICRC site provides reports on the current humanitarian initiatives of this organization in any given country.

Jordan Export (
This site includes information on the Jordan Export Development and Commercial Centers Corporation. JEDCO has developed into a full service support organization for Jordan's vibrant private sector.

Jordanian Astronomical Society -JAS (
This site includes information about the Society's astronomical events, activities, articles and useful links.

Jordanian Women (
“JNCW's mission is to support mainstreaming of a gender-equality perspective in all policy areas and to narrow the gap between formal acknowledgement of women's rights as detailed by legislation and actual societal attitudes towards women…”

Middle East Studies Association (MESA) (
MESA's website provides news, descriptions of activities, lists of members, dates of conferences and other relevant information concerning this United States-based organization dedicated to the study of all aspects of the countries, regions and peoples of the Middle East.

Middle East Studies Center (Jordan) (
This site is for an independent academic center belonging to the Jordanian private sector, specialized in the study of significant changes in the Middle East regionally and nationally politically, economically, ands socially.

National Information System (Jordan) (
This is the Jordanian National Information System site. It includes more than 100 public organizations who produce statistics and information of interest to the public.

Noor al-Hussein Foundation (
Explores the contributions of Queen Noor to international projects, environmental conservation, and women’s projects.  It also contains information about the Noor al-Hussein Foundation.

Queen Noor (
HM Queen Noor's web site. It reflects her activities and concerns and her international commitments.

The Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies (RIIFS) (
This institute promotes the interdisciplinary study of religion and religious affairs regionally and globally.

The Royal Jordanian Geographic (
It has links with different categories and countries.

Scouting (Jordan) (
This site is for the Catholic Scouting movement in Jordan. This organization was established in 1924 to help the young to constructive works in their society.

United States Committee for Refugees (USCR) (
Founded in 1958 to complement the UN's initiative to aid refugees, the USCR's site offers brief and detailed reports on refugee status in and from the various countries of the world.

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  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Jordan
  April 10, 2008
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