FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Skyline Ridge Open Space Preserve Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District San Mateo County, California Old Page Mill Trail Repair Project FEMA-1203-DR-CA, DSR #21292 and 27290 The Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District has applied through the California Office of Emergency Services to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for Public Assistance Program funding to repair a trail that was damaged during the winter storms of 1998. The storm events of 1998 caused washouts, erosional damage, and slope failure along 1,675 feet of the Old Page Mill Trail. Components of the Proposed Action include the following: replacement of a culvert, repair two washout sections of trail, install a drainage system along the trail, and restore other eroded areas of the trail. Under Alternative 1 of the Proposed Action, the Old Page Mill Trail would be restored to a 12-foot width, providing recreational usage and passage for standard sized emergency vehicles used for patrol and fire crews. Under Alternative 2 of the Proposed Action, the trail would be repaired to a 6-foot width, allowing access for recreational and land management uses. All fill material would consist of native soil recovered from the slope failures. All cleared areas would be revegetated with local, native seed. Avoidance and minimization measures approved by the National Marine Fisheries Service and the US Fish and Wildlife Service would be employed to minimize impacts to protected species that may occur in or near the project area. All construction activities associated with this project would occur in the summer dry season. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, FEMA has prepared a Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) to evaluate the impacts of the proposed action on the human environment. The Supplemental Environmental Assessment, tiers from the Final Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for Typical Recurring Actions Resulting from Flood Disasters in California (April 16, 1998) as Proposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Both the SEA for the Old Page Mill Trail Repair Project and the PEA are available online at and Based upon the conditions and the information contained in the Programmatic Environmental Assessment and the Supplemental Environmental Assessment for the Old Page Mill Trail Repair Project (October 2002), and in accordance with FEMA’s regulations in 44 CFR Part 10 (Environmental Considerations) and Executive Orders 11988 (Floodplain Management), 11990 (Protection of Wetlands), and 12898 (Environmental Justice), the following is concluded: A Finding of No Significant Impact. Therefore, an environmental impact statement will not be prepared, based on the fact that there will be no long-term adverse impacts to the natural environment resulting from the proposed action. This Finding of No Significant Impact is based upon the conditions contained in the Programmatic Environmental Assessment and the Supplemental Environmental Assessment. For more information, questions, or comments, contact Sandro Amaglio, Region IX Environmental Officer, at (510) 627-7027. No action will be allowed to occur until 15 days after publication of this Finding of No Significant Impact.