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Component and Medical Transformation

Each Component has designated accountable programs and other investments to help achieve their priorities. For all solutions, deployment involves implementing process and policy changes, training staff, implementing the necessary facility improvements, as well as realigning organizations and roles to the target solution to increase business value.

Components enable the Department's business transformation by supporting the Business Enterprise Priorities (BEPs) while also implementing their Component-specific priorities. These Components have created and maintain transition plans that present the transformation vision and goals for that Component and identify their priorities for investment. These Component-specific plans include their alignment to the Business Enterprise Priorities.

Within the Department’s Enterprise Transition Plan (ETP), the key Component transformational programs are aligned with the Business Enterprise Priorities through an information infrastructure defined by the Department’s Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA). The BEA establishes business rules, data standards, and system interface requirements to ensure interoperability between and among the various tiers and systems of the organization.

Each Component manages its own priorities to improve mission effectiveness and efficiency. Additionally, the Components support the BEPs by transforming their business practices and systems and by complying with business rules and standards identified in the BEPs.

These Components have also identified supporting systems and initiatives and their respective alignment with either BEPs or Component priorities, or both. The Components also identify non-program transformational activities (DOTMLPF) that support their priorities.

Executive Summaries of transformation plans for the six Components:

Photo: honor guard