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The Way Ahead

The Department is making significant progress in business transformation, as validated by recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports. This progress is evidenced by effective governance, useful architecture and transition plans, better control of system investments, implemented systems, and improved business capabilities, all in conformance with the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996.

However, the Department agrees with the GAO that much work remains to be done. That work includes continuing those efforts that have initiated across all five elements of successful transformation: improving the Department's strategy through experience and tiered accountability, continuing to build a culture of transformation, streamlining DoD processes, providing better information, and implementing information technology systems.

The Department will continue to focus on meeting the needs of warfighters in the field with real and lasting capabilities designed for the theater of operation, along with the traditional focus on peacetime garrison operation. The BCL approach will help speed the delivery of business capabilities to the warfighter and other key stakeholders from across the Department.

Moving forward, DoD will focus its efforts on executing this DBSMC-approved plan-the ETP-in order to provide improved support to warfighters and decision makers and enable greater financial accountability. This plan includes an aggressive schedule to improve business operations and monitors progress through an enhanced performance management framework. As a consequence, business transformation will support the mission of America's Armed Forces by providing direct, measurable benefits to the warfighter and improved stewardship of the Nation's resources.