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Volume 20
No. 02

African American History and Culture

20 - 02 African American History and Culture Cover Image

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Pitcaithley, Dwight T.

African-American History and Culture -
A Remembering
Faragasso, Frank; Stover, Doug

African-American Deputy Marshals in Arkansas
Galonska, Juliet L.

Seminole Black Culture on the Texas Frontier
Boteler-Mock, Shirley; Davis, Mike

Interpreting Slavery at Hampton NHS
Masur, Jenny; Lancaster, Kent

Slavery at White Haven
Sanfilippo, Pamela K.

Underground Railroad Parks -
A Shared History
Russell, Hilary

A Private Museum Confronts the Underground Railroad
Williamson, Jane

The John Brown Fort -
African-Americans’ Civil War Monument
Shackel, Paul A.

The Niagara Movement -
Lessons Reviewed
Starkey, Marsha

A Civil War Cemetery and African-American Heritage
Smith, Steven D.

African-American History at War of 1812 Sites
Altoff, Gerard T.

The African-American Sailors’ Project -
The Hidden History of the Civil War
Reidy, Joseph P.

African-American History in the Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Partnership
Peterson, John

Lifesavers’ Courage and Duty Went Hand-in-Hand
Eckard, Chris

Magnificent Achievements -
The M Street High School
Lee, Antoinette J.

The African-American Discovery Trail
Wetzel, Hayden M.

From Segregation to Preservation -
Monroe Elementary School
Weekly, Rachel Franklin

Civil Rights in Orangeburg County, South Carolina
Davis, Steven A.

Forging Partnerships, Creating Contexts
Batiste-Bentham, Stephanie L.; Moresi, Michele Gates; Murphy, Teresa Anne; Rodney, Marguerite Carnell

African-American History at Independence NHP
Blacoe, Joanne; Toogood, Anna Coxe ; Brown, Sharon

Another Kind of Glory
Blatt, Martin

African-American History at Colonial Williamsburg
Geist, Christopher D.

Museum Programs at Jefferson National Expansion Memorial
Moore, Bob

Peanut Man or Educator -
The Legacy of Booker T. Washington
Colbert, Qefiri

Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Allen, Michael A.

Fox Lake -
A Resort Like Many Others
Polley, Claudia

The National Archives for Black Women's History
McElrath, Susan

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