OII: Office of Innovation and Improvement
   Current Section

Office of Non-Public Education (ONPE)

About the Office of Non-Public Education

The roles and activities of the Office of Non-Public Education fall into two major categories:

Leadership: Representing the interests, activities and needs of the private elementary and secondary school community at the U.S. Department of Education.

These activities include:

  • provide advice and guidance within the Department on all matters affecting private elementary and secondary schools;
  • collaborate on the development of new legislation and the reauthorization of federal education programs;
  • review regulations and guidance affecting private schools, their students and their teachers;
  • ensure that private school students and teachers are included in projects and initiatives of the Department; and
  • communicate with national, state, and local education agencies and associations on private education topics.


Outreach: Consulting with the private school community on the participation of students and teachers in programs and initiatives of the U.S. Department of Education.

These activities include:

  • convene meetings with the private school community on education topics of interest and concern;
  • provide timely information on a regular basis to the private school community on activities of the Administration;
  • provide staff members to speak at conferences;
  • publish material in hard copy and on the web to education private school staff and the general public about private schools and federal programs in which private school students and teachers can participate; and
  • maintain a home page with current information about participation in federal education programs and to update this information through e-mail and other means.

ONPE Postcard

For inquiries or comments, email: Office of Non-Public Education

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Last Modified: 10/19/2006