Grantee Satisfaction Survey
Strategic Accountability Service (SAS)
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FY 2005 Grantee Satisfaction Survey
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American Customer Satisfaction Index Methodology

The Grantee Satisfaction Survey (FY 2005) is a customer satisfaction survey administered to state-level educational agency staff who manage formula grants funded through the Department. Five of the Department's principal offices collaborated in creating the questions for the questionnaire and in developing appropriate actions in response to survey results. The principal offices are the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services/Office of Special Education Programs, the Office of English Language Acquisition, the Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, and the Office of Vocational and Adult Education. The chief state school officers also respond to the survey. A contractor administers the survey and analyzes the collected data.

The methodology of the Grantee Satisfaction Survey derives from the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). Survey respondents rate the Department's services, and, based on the ratings, the ACSI process provides the Department with an index score that can be benchmarked with businesses and other federal agencies. In addition to collecting information about Department-wide performance, the survey collects data specific to each of the selected programs within the five program offices. Numerical data from the Department-wide ratings and the program-specific data are complemented with verbatim comments from survey respondents that offer particular suggestions for change or for staying the course.

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Last Modified: 10/25/2005