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Status of Education in Rural America
NCES 2007-040
June 2007

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Table 1.8.

Number and percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary students, by percentage of students in school eligible for free or reduced-price lunch and locale: 2003–04

Locale Number and percent eligible for free or reduced-price lunch 10 percent or less 11–25 percent 26–50 percent 51–75 percent More than 75 percent
Total 43,126,448 6,449,924 8,862,597 12,557,762 8,769,074 6,487,091
City 12,809,572 1,095,406 1,691,884 3,162,898 3,136,954 3,722,430
Suburban 15,549,796 3,946,797 4,026,236 3,883,089 2,259,610 1,434,064
Town 5,627,799 336,839 1,082,265 2,202,499 1,417,805 588,391
Rural 9,139,281 1,070,882 2,062,212 3,309,276 1,954,705 742,206
Fringe 4,748,997 900,458 1,262,186 1,494,091 802,882 289,380
Distant 2,973,841 147,550 667,832 1,195,216 698,936 264,307
Remote 1,416,443 22,874 132,194 619,969 452,887 188,519
Percentage distribution
Total 40.7 15.0 20.6 29.1 20.3 15.0
City 52.9 8.6 13.2 24.7 24.5 29.1
Suburban 31.4 25.4 25.9 25.0 14.5 9.2
Town 42.9 6.0 19.2 39.1 25.2 10.5
Rural 37.9 11.7 22.6 36.2 21.4 8.1
Fringe 32.5 19.0 26.6 31.5 16.9 6.1
Distant 41.1 5.0 22.5 40.2 23.5 8.9
Remote 49.6 1.6 9.3 43.8 32.0 13.3
NOTE: The National School Lunch Program is a federally assisted meal program. To be eligible, a student must be from a household with an income at or below 130 percent of the poverty threshold for free lunch or between 130 percent and 185 percent of the poverty threshold for reduced-price lunch. Approximately 13,704 schools did not report information on the number of students eligible for a free or reduced-price school lunch. Therefore, this information is missing for 5,227,075 students. For a comparison of poverty definitions, see appendix B. Rural areas are located outside any urbanized area or urban cluster. Urbanized areas are densely settled areas containing at least 50,000 people. Urban clusters are densely settled areas with a population of 2,500 to 49,999. Fringe rural areas are 5 miles or less from an urbanized area or 2.5 miles or less from an urban cluster. Distant rural areas are more than 5 miles but less than or equal to 25 miles from an urbanized area, or more than 2.5 miles but less than or equal to 10 miles from an urban cluster. Remote rural areas are more than 25 miles from an urbanized area and more than 10 miles from an urban cluster. For more details on Census-defined areas, see Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," 2003–04.