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Status of Education in Rural America
NCES 2007-040
June 2007

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Table 2.9a.

Percentage distribution of adults age 25 and over, by highest level of educational attainment, age group, and locale: 2004

Age group and locale Total Less than high school graduate1 High school graduate or higher
      Total High school graduate or equivalent2 Some college/ associate's degree Bachelor's degree or higher
      Total Bachelor's degree Graduate or professional degree
25 and over         
Total 100.0 16.1 83.9 29.5 27.4 27.0 17.2 9.9
City 100.0 18.4 81.6 25.7 26.2 29.8 18.6 11.2
Suburban 100.0 12.8 87.2 27.5 28.2 31.5 19.9 11.5
Town 100.0 18.5 81.5 33.7 27.9 19.9 12.9 7.0
Rural 100.0 17.1 82.9 36.4 27.5 19.1 12.6 6.5
25–34 100.0 13.7 86.3 26.1 30.0 30.3 21.8 8.5
City 100.0 15.5 84.5 23.0 27.5 34.0 23.8 10.2
Suburban 100.0 11.9 88.1 23.9 30.4 33.8 24.1 9.6
Town 100.0 14.2 85.8 31.8 32.7 21.3 16.3 5.0
Rural 100.0 13.0 87.0 33.3 32.8 20.8 16.0 4.8
35–44 100.0 12.7 87.3 29.1 29.3 28.9 19.2 9.7
City 100.0 15.9 84.1 25.7 27.5 30.9 19.7 11.1
Suburban 100.0 9.7 90.3 26.2 29.9 34.1 22.7 11.4
Town 100.0 14.8 85.2 34.0 30.7 20.5 14.2 6.3
Rural 100.0 12.3 87.7 37.1 30.1 20.5 14.5 6.0
45–54 100.0 12.0 88.0 29.1 29.7 29.2 17.8 11.3
City 100.0 15.5 84.5 25.2 28.5 30.8 18.3 12.5
Suburban 100.0 9.0 91.0 26.1 30.1 34.7 21.3 13.4
Town 100.0 13.7 86.3 33.4 30.3 22.5 13.9 8.6
Rural 100.0 11.8 88.2 37.2 30.0 21.0 13.3 7.7
55–64 100.0 15.6 84.4 30.0 26.8 27.6 15.0 12.6
City 100.0 18.0 82.0 25.5 25.6 30.9 16.3 14.6
Suburban 100.0 12.1 87.9 27.7 28.2 32.0 17.5 14.5
Town 100.0 18.3 81.7 33.6 26.9 21.2 11.6 9.6
Rural 100.0 16.7 83.3 37.0 26.2 20.1 11.4 8.7
65 and over 100.0 28.4 71.6 33.9 19.8 17.9 10.3 7.6
City 100.0 29.8 70.2 30.1 20.0 20.0 11.6 8.4
Suburban 100.0 23.5 76.5 34.8 21.1 20.6 11.8 8.8
Town 100.0 30.8 69.2 35.6 19.1 14.5 8.2 6.3
Rural 100.0 32.9 67.1 36.5 17.7 12.9 7.6 5.3
1 Includes those currently enrolled in school.
2 Includes those currently enrolled in college.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2004, previously unpublished data.