Susan Patrick, Director, Office of Educational Technology—Biography
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Susan Patrick was appointed as director of the Office of Educational Technology by Secretary Rod Paige in March 2004. As director, she coordinates the development and implementation of the Department's educational technology policies. Ms. Patrick led the Department's efforts on the 2004 National Education Technology Plan and represents the secretary in White House and interagency technology initiatives.

Prior to joining the Department, Patrick served under Governor Jane Dee Hull of Arizona as legislative liaison for the Government Information Technology Agency, handling technology legislation, policy and strategic communications. She received the 2001 Governor's Spirit of Excellence Recognition Award for the Telecommunications Open Partnerships for Arizona (TOPAZ) initiative.

In the late 1990s, Patrick was the site director for Old Dominion University's TELETECHNET program, managing a distance learning campus in Richmond, Va., and opening the first site in Arizona. She was also an adjunct faculty member.

Patrick holds a master's degree from the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication in Los Angeles and a bachelor's degree from the Colorado College, where she was the first woman to play in the men's intramural football league.

Last Modified: 01/28/2005