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A hurricane swirls in the North Atlantic. From Earth from Space. Courtesy


This section of the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) website is designed for you!

Here you'll find curriculum materials that can be downloaded or purchased from SITES, as well as links to educational websites that include family and classroom activities, photographs, bibliographies, and more.

Check it out for your students or your family.

Barn Again! Celebrating an American Icon

This fold-out poster/teaching guide features a panoramic photo of a barn on one side, and a discussion of the cultural and architectural history of American barns on the reverse.

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Grades 4-12. Free

Beyond Baseball: The Life of Roberto Clemente

Roberto Clemente was more than a baseball player, he was a great humanitarian. This fun and engaging lesson is not only about sports history but also about giving back to one's community.

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Grades 6-8. Free

Earth 2U, Exploring Geography Curriculum Guide, Poster, and Family Exploration Guide

A unique and fun way to teach geography to students, the illustrated curriculum guide prompts students to rethink how they view the world around them. A companion poster helps students learn about culture and the physical landscape. A two-page family guide offers ways to explore the world closer to home.

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Grades 4-6. Free

Earth from Space Activity Guide

This ten-question activity guide (for children and adults) encourages readers to take a closer look at some of the satellite images featured in the traveling exhibition and online. This is a great complement to any ecology, geology, or environmental science curriculum.

Download Guide
Grades 5-8. Free


Earth from Space activity guide

Facts about Americanos: Latino Life in the United States / Datos sobre Americanos: La vida latina en los Estados Unidos

This bilingual (English/Spanish) booklet/teaching guide describes the role of Latin Americans in U.S. culture. Includes color images, pie and bar charts, and population demographics.

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Grades 4-12. Free

Family Folklore & The Grand Generation Interviewing Guides & Questionnaires

These two publications by Smithsonian folklife specialists provide a how-to guide for collecting family folklore.

Download the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage's recently updated Family Folklore Guide
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Grades 4-12. Free

First Ladies: Political Role and Public Image

A great resource for primary and secondary school teachers who really want to learn more about how first ladies have changed and adapted to the political and social landscape—from Martha Washington to Laura Bush.

Download the curriculum guide

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Grades 4-8. Free

Frequently Asked Questions about the Hubble Space Telescope and Hubble Brochure

Since its launch in 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope has forever changed the scientific study of the universe. The FAQ features a color image of the telescope in orbit over Earth on one side; information about its function and operation is on the reverse. The brochure provides an overview of the telescope and striking photographs of planets, stars, and galaxies.

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Grades 9-12. Free

In Search of Giant Squid Challenge

Wonderful for students already engaged in the study of marine animals, this fun and educational brochure asks amateur squid researchers 14 questions about the mythical creature. Features questions, answers, and a fill-in-the-blank component.

Download the squid quiz!
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Grades 4-8. Free

In Search of Giant Squid Curriculum Guide

Compiled by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, the National Museum of Natural History, the National Aeronautics and Atmospheric Administration, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2006.

Geared for 5-8 grade students with special "roadmaps" for older or younger audiences. Includes detailed lesson plans, instructive websites, student worksheets, and comprehensive teacher answer keys. Also incorporates fascinating illustrations and instructive maps.

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Adobe Acrobat Required
Grades 5-8. Free

Putting the Movement Back Into Civil Rights Teaching

This book provides lessons and articles on how to go beyond a heroes approach to teaching about the civil rights movement. Included are interactive, interdisciplinary lessons, readings, writings, photographs, graphics and interviews. Co-published by Teaching for Change and the Poverty & Race Research Action Council (PRRAC). Foreword by Congressman John Lewis, $25.00.

Buy Book from Teaching for Change

Middle School-High School


Vanishing Amphibians Activity Sheet

This bilingual (English/Spanish) activity sheet provides information on the three types of amphibians (coloring activity), the life cycle of frogs (maze activity), and frog calls/vocalizations.

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Grades PreK-8. Free

Wondrous Cold: An Antarctic Journey, Bookmarks

This fantastic adventure into one of the least known places on the planet is told by Joan Myers, an award-winning photographer whose stories about Antarctica are as compelling as her imagery. This exhibition is currently touring the country. Find it near you, and order the accompanying penguin bookmarks.

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All Grade Levels. Packets of 50-100. Free.


Downloadable Lesson Plans

  • Barn Again! Celebrating an American Icon Teacher's Guide
    Four engaging lessons plus an exhibition-related scavenger hunt help students explore the barn as symbol, architecture, community gathering place, and window to the past. Students use primary resources, conduct local history research projects, and synthesize their discoveries for presentation to a classroom or community audience. Click here for additional classroom resources.
    Subject(s): American Culture, American History, Architecture/Design, Folklife, Language Arts, Visual Arts
    Grade level(s): 4-8, 9-12

  • Key Ingredients: America by Food Teacher's Guide
    The five lessons (including handouts) guide students through the many factors that affect family and local food traditions. Research and activity-oriented lessons ask students to gather recipes, interview family members, create an exhibition on their state's agricultural history, and examine the effect of TV and magazine ads on their food choices. Click here for additional classroom resources.
    Subject(s): American Culture, American History, Multiculturalism, Technology
    Grade level(s): 4-8, 9-12

  • Yesterday's Tomorrows: Past Visions of an American Future Teacher's Guide
    In six diverse lessons, students imagine and plan a future city, identify and explore the aspects of their heritage that they wish to pass on to the future, and analyze how the design of the built environment will shape their lives. Includes step-by-step instructions for student activities. Click here for additional classroom resources.
    Subject(s): American Culture, American History, Architecture/Design, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science (general), Technology, Visual Arts
    Grade level(s): 4-8, 9-12

Educational Websites

  • Africa's Legacy in Mexico: Photographs by Tony Gleaton
    This richly illustrated website examines the complexities of the African diaspora, focusing on the African roots in Mexico's history and culture. Older students will find links to broader explorations of Africa's profound global influence.
    Subject(s): History & Culture

  • Beyond Baseball: The Life of Roberto Clemente
    This website explores not only the career of baseball legend Roberto Clemente but also his humanitarian efforts off the field. The site includes downloadable lesson plans and interactive games for all ages.
    Subject(s): History & Culture

  • Corridos sin Fronteras: A New World Ballad Tradition
    This bilingual website is designed for elementary, middle, and high school teachers and their students. But anyone with an interest in the storytelling power of a good ballad will appreciate the corridos' history and tradition. You can even write your own! A Flash 5+ plug-in (download instructions included), 5.0+ browser, and speakers or headphones are recommended to fully appreciate this site.
    Subject(s): History & Culture

  • Family Folklore
    Folklorists often use interviews to capture oral histories and traditions. This website offers sample questions and guidelines for conducting a successful interview of anyone with a story to tell.
    Subject(s): History & Culture

  • Forces of Change
    The National Museum of Natural History examines the forces of nature and weather that keep our planet in constant flux. This site includes a media library, interesting classroom activities, and an in-depth discussion about El Niño, the periodic warming of western ocean waters.
    Subject(s): Science & Natural History

  • The Grand Generation: Memory, Mastery, Legacy
    This site presents easy-to-use guidelines for collecting oral histories and folklore from family members. Tips for preserving audiotape, transcripts, and material culture are included with references for further reading.
    Subject(s): History & Culture

  • Hubble Space Telescope: Amazing Space
    How did we get here? Where are we going? Are we alone? These are just some of the questions this extensive site attempts to answer with vital statistics about the planets, about Hubble itself, and about the universe. Site includes quicktime movies.
    Subject(s): Science & Natural History
  • In Search of Giant Squid
    This website provides comprehensive and fun details about the elusive giant squid. Users can learn about a recent squid expedition, see pictures from the "Giant Squid" exhibition, and even watch video clips about how squid move, eat, etc.
    Subject(s): Science & Natural History
  • Key Ingredients: America by Food
    This interactive website highlights fascinating facts about American food history and invites users to submit and view family food stories, recipes, and local restaurant recommendations.
    Subject(s): American History, African American History, and Native American History

  • Native Words, Native Warriors
    This new and highly interactive website features interviews with code talkers, historic photographs, lesson plans, and even an audio guide. Sponsored by the National Museum of the American Indian for the traveling exhibition.

  • Ocean Planet
    This extensive website reveals life under the sea in all its forms. Produced in collaboration with the National Museum of Natural History and SITES, pages includes myriad lesson plans; tales of whales, sharks, and turtles; and additional education materials from Penn State University and the New England Aquarium.
    Subject(s): Science & Natural History

  • Yesterday's Tomorrows: Past Visions of an American Future
    This website lets students explore and find activities, resources, and reading lists that relate to the exhibition themes of Imagining the Future, Home of Tomorrow, Transportation of Tomorrow, and Community of Tomorrow. A teacher's guide and additional lesson plans are available for educators.
    Subject(s): American History



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Educational Websites

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