Workers Exposed to Lead Show More Cognitive Problems Later in Life (01/12/09)
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Adult-onset diabetes slows mental functioning in several ways, with deficits appearing early (01/05/09)
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Certain Facial Expressions Innate, Not Visually Learned (12/28/08)
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Five Questions for Mary Gresham, PhD (12/22/08)
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Replicating Milgram: Researcher Finds Most Will Administer Shocks to Others When Prodded by 'Authority Figure' (12/19/08)
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Psychologist Steven Breckler Named Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (12/18/08)
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Five Questions for Kit Yarrow, PhD (12/15/08)
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Sleep like a baby, wake like a baker
January 11, 2009, Chicago Tribune

Mental health services for youth need improvement
January 10, 2009, Canadian Press

Gap in views on racism
January 10, 2009, Associated Press

ADHD exemptions in baseball on the rise
January 09, 2009, Associated Press

Mental, physical problems after patients leave ICU
January 12, 2009, The San Diego Union-Tribune (free registration required)

Examining what may increase minority graduation rates
January 12, 2009, Inside Higher Ed

How our brain works as a GPS device
January 12, 2009, Medical News Today

Cellphones' growth does a number on research
January 12, 2009, The Washington Post (free registration required)

Women-only gene link to dementia
January 12, 2009, BBC News

Economy prompts more calls to suicide hotlines
January 11, 2009, USA Today

Preventing teenage depression by recognizing successes
January 11, 2009, Medical News Today

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