Eastern Interior RMP/EIS

Planning Schedule

1) Initiate planning effort/scoping

Publish Notice of Intent, February 29, 2008

Public scoping meetings, April – June 2008

Scoping period ends, August 15, 2008

Issue scoping report/planning criteria, September 2008

2) Inventory and data collection

Gather and analyze new data, May 2007 – September 2008

Geographic Information Systems data collection and cleanup, October 2007 – October 2008

3) Formulate alternatives

Formulate alternatives, October – December 2008

4) Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Resource Management Plan

Write Draft RMP/EIS, 2009

Publish Notice of Availability for DEIS/RMP in Federal Register, TBD

Public review of DEIS/RMP, 2009

Analyze and prepare response to pubic comments, 2009

  5) Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision

Publish Notice of Availability for FEIS/proposed RMP, 2010

Initiate Governor's consistency review 2010

30-day protest period, 2010

Issue Record of Decision, 2010