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NPS Contact:


(617) 223-5225

Lamprey River
Advisory Committee


A Northeast Region Program

Dennis Reidenbach
Regional Director


Lamprey Provides Range of Wildlife Habitats

From the southern Lee town line to the confluence with the Piscassic rivers, the Lamprey River's shoreline, natural floodplain, and wetlands provide a range of wildlife habitats. Currently, the Lamprey has the largest quantity of anadromous fish in the Great Bay watershed, and it hosts substantial numbers of freshwater mussel species.

Spring high water gives these boaters a wild ride.

The Lamprey is Rich in History

The designated segment of the Lamprey River is rich in history. The falls along the river powered saw and grist mills. The Wiswall Falls Mill Site in Durham is on the National Register of Historic Places. Starting as a sawmill, the site was used to make shoe knives, nuts and bolts, pitchforks, carriages, matches and wallpaper.

Designated River Segments

Congress has designated the Lamprey River segment from the Bunker Pond Dam in the town of Epping to the confluence with the Piscassic River in the vicinity of the Durham-Newmarket town line as part of the Wild and Scenic River system.

Classification/Mileage: Recreational--11.5 miles were designated on November 12, 1996 and another 12 miles were designated May 2, 2000.

River Group and Landowners Protect the Lamprey

Lamprey River Management Plan for the Towns of Durham, Epping, Lee, and New Market


Last Updated:
July 18, 2008