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FFY1999 CCDF Data Tables and Charts

Index: Cover page | List of Tables and Charts | 1-Children Served | 2-Type of Payment | 3-Care by Type | 4-Regulated vs. Non-Regulated | 5-Relative Care | 6-Setting Detail | 7-Provider Summary | 8-Consumer Education | Reason for Care Chart | Ages Chart

Entire collection of tables and charts is available as a single MS Word document.

Related Item: FFY1998 CCDF Data Tables and Charts

List of Tables and Charts

Table 1: Average Monthly Families and Children Served (ACF-801)
Table 2: Percent of Children Served by Payment Method (ACF-800)
Table 3: Percent of Children Served by Types of Care (ACF-800)
Table 4: Percent of Children Served in Regulated Settings vs.
             Settings Legally Operating without Regulation (ACF-800)
Table 5: Percent Served by Relatives vs. Non-Relatives (ACF-800)
Table 6: Percent of Children Served in All Types of Care (ACF-800)
Table 7: Number of Child Care Providers Receiving CCDF Funds (ACF-800)
Table 8: Methods of Consumer Education Summary (ACF-800)
Chart 1: Children Served by Reason for Care (ACF-801)
Chart 2: Children Served by Age Group (ACF-801)

General Notes

All data in this report is provided by States and Territories on the ACF-800 (aggregate) and the ACF-801 (case-level) reports. Some adjustments have been made in the data to reflect those served by CCDF subsidy funds only. Many States and Territories provide additional child care services with non-CCDF funds. CCDF funds include Discretionary (including transferred TANF funds), Mandatory, Federal Match, State Match, and Maintenance of Effort funds.

Data has been updated to include revised FFY 1999 data submitted by States and Territories from October 1999 - October 2000

Index: Cover page | List of Tables and Charts | 1-Children Served | 2-Type of Payment | 3-Care by Type | 4-Regulated vs. Non-Regulated | 5-Relative Care | 6-Setting Detail | 7-Provider Summary | 8-Consumer Education | Reason for Care Chart | Ages Chart
Related Item: FFY1998 CCDF Data Tables and Charts