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CCDF FFY 1998 Tables and Charts

Index: Cover page | Notes | 1-Children Served | 2-Type of Payment | 3-Care by Major Types | 4-Regulated vs. Non-Regulated Care | 5-Relative Care | 6-Setting Detail | 7-Provider Summary | 8-Consumer Education | Reason for Care Chart | Ages Chart
Related Item: CCDF FFY 1999 Data and Tables

Reason for Care Chart

Percent of Children Served by Reason for Care
73% Employment
12% Training/Education
6% Both Employment and Training/Education
2% Protective Services
7% Other
Index: Cover page | Notes | 1-Children Served | 2-Type of Payment | 3-Care by Major Types | 4-Regulated vs. Non-Regulated Care | 5-Relative Care | 6-Setting Detail | 7-Provider Summary | 8-Consumer Education | Reason for Care Chart | Ages Chart
Related Item: CCDF FFY 1999 Data and Tables