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Ken Bird
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David Houseknecht
Project Chief

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The National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska (NPRA)

  Landsat image of Alaska North Slope showing USGS study area, NPRA.  
  Infrared satellite image of NPRA assessment area.  

U.S. Geological Survey 2002 assessment concludes that NPRA holds signicantly greater petroleum resources than previously estimated. Technically recoverable, undiscovered oil beneath the Federal part of NPRA likely ranges between 5.9 and 13.2 billion barrels, with a mean (expected) value of 9.3 billion barrels. An estimated 1.3 to 5.6 billion barrels of those technically recoverable oil resources is economically recoverable at market prices of $22 to $30 per barrel. Technically recoverable, undiscovered nonassociated natural gas for the same area likely ranges between 39.1 and 83.2 trillion cubic feet, with a mean (expected) value of 59.7 trillion cubic feet. The economic viability of this gas will depend on the availability of a natural-gas pipeline for transport to market.

CD-Rom Cover (DDS-755)
  NPRA CD-Rom now available USGS Digital Data Series DDS-75 (a set of 4 CD-ROMs) -- Core Photographs and Data from Exploration Wells Drilled Within and Near NPRA. Send your request to gd-npra

U.S. Geological Survey 2002 Petroleum Resource Assessment of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NRPA). USGS Fact Sheet 045–02

U.S. Geological Survey 2002 Petroleum Resource Assessment of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA): Play Maps and Technically Recoverable Resource Estimates. Open File Report 02-207


E-Bulletin (in progress)

Send your requests for printed copies to gd-energyprogram@usgs.gov

NPRA Images
Download high resolution images from the NPRA, Alaska project.


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Micropaleontology of selected wells and seismic shot holes, northern Alaska. USGS Open-File Report 2006-1055

Recent Publications IconRECENT PUBLICATIONS

Porosity-Depth Trends and Regional Uplift Calculated from Sonic Logs, National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska
Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5051


The National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska (NPRA) - Legacy Data Archive
One of the largest geophysical and geological data sets in the USGS.

A Digital Atlas of Hydrocarbon Accumulations Within and Adjacent to the National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska (NPRA)
USGS has initiated a project to reassess the hydrocarbon potential of the NPRA.

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