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The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for the Treatment of Cultural Landscapes. Charles A. Birnbaum, FASLA, and Chris- Capella Peters, Editors. Guidelines developed by the National Park Service that address all four work options offered in the Standards, as applied to vernacular and designed historic landscapes. 180 pages. 170 illustrations. 1996. GPO stock number: 024-005-01171-4. $22.00 per copy.

Making Educated Decisions: A Landscape Preservation Bibliography. Edited by Charles A. Birnbaum, FASLA, and Heather Barrett. Valuable resource to anyone involved with preservation planning and stewardship of significant landscapes, whether the product of landscape architects and designers, or indigenous cultural groups. 667 annotated citations from 48 American states and 27 countries. 170 pages. 30 illustrations. 2000. GPO stock number: 024-005-01206-1. $13.00 per copy.

Preservation Briefs 36: Protecting Cultural Landscapes: Planning, Treatment, and Management of Historic Landscapes. Charles A. Birnbaum, ASLA. Describes cultural landscapes as special places that reveal aspects of our country's origins and development through their form and features and the ways they were used. Provides a step-by-step process for preserving historic designed and vernacular landscapes to ensure a successful balance between historic preservation and change. 16 pages. 50 illustrations. 1994. GPO stock number: 024-005-01143-9. $2.25 per copy.

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