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Search Results: (16-30 of 76 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2003173 CD-ROM: Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study Data Analysis System (DAS) B&B:2000/01
The DAS CD-ROM contains the most recent postsecondary longitudinal data release, B&B:2000/01, as well as all other released DASs current as of August 2003. These data sets are for public use and do not allow a user direct access to the data, but do allow them to design and run basic analyses specific to their needs.
NCES 2003410 CD-ROM: Common Core of Data (CCD) School Years 1996-97 through 2000-01
This CD-ROM is a comprehensive source of information about all public elementary and secondary schools in the United States. It presents data from the CCD at the state, local education agency, and school levels. The CD-ROM includes information about the numbers of students, teachers, other education staff, school characteristics, school and school district locale (example, rural, suburban, big city), and revenues and expenditures for education from the CCD, as well as community demographics drawn from the 1990 Census. The CD-ROM is designed for easy use, and allows the user to create a number of tables.
NCES 2003160 Beginning Postsecondary Students BPS:96/01 Restricted CD
This CD contains all data related to BPS:96/01 and contains full information from NPSAS:96, the first follow-up (BPS:96/98), the second follow-up (BPS:96/01) and all interum update information on Federal student ad received. This is a restrited CD and the user must have a licensein order to gain access to the data.
NCES 2003452 Assessing the Arts: Selected NAEP Tasks and Scoring Guides for Grades 4 and 12 1997 Field Test. Dance, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts
This CD–ROM contains a total of 16 arts tasks for dance, music, theatre, and the visual arts at grades 8 and 12, developed but never used for the NAEP 1997 Arts Assessment. The CD contains the complete instructions given to the students, including any audio or visual components used as stimuli. The actual tasks given to students, whether written questions or creating or performing tasks are also given, along with the scoring guides used to evaluate student performance. Because of cost limitations and sampling problems, the 1997 arts assessment was only administered at the eighth-grade, and only covered music, theatre, and the visual arts. This new CD complements the original report card, also available in multi-media CD format, by including tasks for the fourth- and twelfth-grades and including tasks for dance.
NCES 2003159 CD-ROM: Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study Second Follow-up Data Analysis System (DAS) BPS:96/01
The DAS CD contains the most recent postsecondary longitudinal data release, BPS:96/01, as well as all other released DASs current as of 12/02. These data sets are for public use and do not allow a user direct access to the data, but do allow them to design and run basic analyses specific to their needs.
NCES 2002322REV CD-ROM: NELS:88/2000 Public Use Data Files and Electronic Codebook - Base Year through Fourth Follow-up
This CD-ROM contains public release data from the National Education Longitudinal Study:1988 (data files and updated electronic codebook for the Base Year (1988) through Fourth Follow-up (2000) of NELS:88). Data from the Fourth Follow-up interview in 2000 will permit researchers to examine what this cohort had accomplished 12 years after the eighth-grade baseline survey. The 2000 data were collected at a key stage of life transitions for the eighth-grade class of 1988-most had been out of high school for nearly 8 years. Many had already completed postsecondary education, started or even changed careers, and started to form families. This CD-ROM contains only the sample surveyed in the year 2000. For any analysis using only data collected prior to the Fourth follow-up, the NELS:88/94 CD-ROM (NCES# 2000328) is needed.
NCES 2002373 CD-ROM: Common Core of Data (CCD) School Years 1996-97 through 1999-2000
Common Core of Data (CCD) School Years 1996-97 through 1999-2000 This CD-ROM is a comprehensive source of information about all public elementary and secondary schools in the United States. It presents data from the CCD at the state, local education agency, and school levels. The CD-ROM includes information about the numbers of students, teachers, other education staff, school characteristics, school and school district locale (example, rural, suburban, big city), and revenues and expenditures for education from the CCD, as well as community demographics drawn from the 1990 Census. The CD-ROM is designed for easy use, and allows the user to create a number of tables.
NCES 2002005REV CD-ROM: National Household Education Surveys of 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996, and 1999: Data Files and Electronic Codebook
This 2 CD set contains all of the public release data associated with the National Household Education Survey (NHES) collections conducted in the 1990s (1991-1999). The CDs contain data collected as part of 13 random-digit dial (RDD) household surveys about parent involvement in their children's education, early childhood education, adult education, school readiness of young children, school safety and discipline, and civic education. Data documentation is provided for each file, and software is also included to help users navigate the data sets and produce extract files to be used with statistical programs such as SPSS, SAS or Stata.
NCES 2002134 CD-ROM: ECLS-K First Grade Public-Use Data Files and Electronic Code Book
This CD-ROM contains an electronic code book (ECB), a public-use child-level data file, and survey and ECB documentation for the fall and spring first grade waves of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K). All data collected from the sampled children, their parents, teachers, and schools are included.
NCES 2002127 ECLS-K First Grade Restricted-Use Child File
This CD-ROM contains an electronic code book (ECB), a restricted-use child-level data file, and survey and ECB documentation for the fall and spring first grade waves of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K). All data collected from the sampled children, their parents, teachers, and schools are included.
NCES 2001203 CD-ROM: National Study of Postsecondary Faculty NSOPF:99 Public Access Data Analysis System (DAS)
This CD-ROM contains data from the 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:99) and all other available NCES data analysis systems (DAS). The DAS is a menu driven system that allows you to produce frequencies, crosstabulations, and correlation matrices without access to individual's responses. The DAS does not contain all variables from the studies but does contain most of those which are of interest to analysts for descriptive purposes.
NCES 2001016 ECLS-K Base Year Restricted-Use Student Record Abstract File
At the end of the kindergarten year, the school records of the children participating in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 were reviewed and specific information retrieved. The student record abstract file contains data on children's school enrollment and attendance, IEP and disability status, and home language. The student record data are intended for use in conjunction with the base year ECLS-K child data.
NCES 2001014 ECLS-K Base Year Restricted-Use Salary and Benefits File
This CD-ROM contains restricted-use base year salary and benefits data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K). The salary and benefits data file contains data on the base salary, merit pay, and employee benefits of kindergarten teachers and school administrators in ECLS-K schools. The salary and benefits data, when combined with other ECLS-K data, can be used to answer resource effectiveness, equity, and intent questions.
NCES 2001015 ECLS-K Base Year Restricted-Use: Special Education Child File
Children participating in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K) who were receiving special education services were identified during the base year. These children's special education teachers provided information about the services the children received and about their own training, background, and work experiences. This data set contains the data collected from these special education teachers. The data are intended for use in conjunction with the base year ECLS-K child data.
NCES 2000097 ECLS-K Restricted-Use Base Year: Child File, Teacher File, and School File
This CD-ROM contains an electronic code book (ECB), restricted-use data files, and survey and ECB documentation for the base year of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K). Child, teacher, and school restricted-use data are included.
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