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Second Call for the CIVITAS CATALIST Activity Fund
Under the CIVITAS CATALIST project, an activity fund finances on-demand activities by local authorities, public transport operators and public agencies in European cities that promote the benefits of the CIVITAS approach.

First Call for the CIVITAS CATALIST Activity Fund
Under the CIVITAS CATALIST project, an activity fund has been launched to finance on-demand activities by local authorities, public transport operators and public agencies in European cities that promote the benefits of the CIVITAS approach.

REC addresses the 2008 Regional Forum of the Asian Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network (ACEAN) in Bali, Indonesia
The 2008 AECEN opened on November 24. The main topics of the forum were effective decentralisation, environmental compliance and enforcement, and the measuring of institutional capacity for effective enforcement.

Visit our new conference center
that is aiming for zero emissions.


Environment and Security
A dinner debate on the best solutions in the area of environment and security was held on November 13 in the European Parliament. The event was hosted by Elisabetta Gardini, Member of the European Parliament, in cooperation with the REC and with the support of the Italian Trust Fund.

Energy and Climate Change: The Role of Business and Government
The Royal Norwegian Embassy, in partnership with the REC and the Hungarian Business Leaders’ Forum, hosted a multi-stakeholder seminar on energy and climate change.

Climate Change Framework Action Plan for Adaptation for South East Europe
Environmental ministers from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia have given their official support to the Climate Change Framework Action Plan for Adaptation for South East Europe.

Promoting Financing Mechanisms for Eco-innovation in SEE
The project Promoting Financing Mechanisms for Eco-innovation in SEE aims to identify existing and potential mechanisms for stimulating and financing eco-innovations in the region.

Officials from South Eastern Europe to get sustainability training from new Dutch-supported REC project
Public officials from South Eastern Europe will receive training in sustainable development thanks to a new initiative of the Ministry for Development Cooperation of Netherlands and the Regional Environmental Center (REC).

Discussions on Black Sea Sustainability continue in Venice
The second session of the Seminar Series on Partnerships for Sustainable Development is scheduled to convene in Venice, Italy, from September 29 – October 8, 2008. The programme aims to equip participants with indepth knowledge on current sustainable development issues, and their practical application on both a global and regional basis.

Workshop takes up investment challenges in Albania's water sector
A recent environmental investment workshop in Tirana covered ongoing water utility reform in Albania, strategies to address challenges faced by the water industry, case studies from the surrounding region and the newly launched Western Balkans Infrastructure Project Facility.

Civil Society Platform on Sustainable Consumption and Production
A conference and workshop will be organised in Szentendre, Hungary October 13 and 14. If you would like to participate please visit the event website for more information.

New course on local sustainability and action
Further information on the course for local sustainability and action, supported by the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea, can be found at www.localsustainableaction.org. Please visit the site and apply! For more information on the course please contact Ms. Tamara Nikolic at LocalSustainability@rec.org

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What We Do

"Facilitating environmental dialogue, networking and regional cooperation."

Green Pack
A toolkit for teachers of environmentally themed subjects, the Green Pack’s interactive, multi-media presentation makes it a lively source of information for anyone interested in environmental challenges.

Italian Trust Fund
With the kind contribution of the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea

Japan Special Fund
Support of the
Government of Japan

SECTOR Framework Programme
SECTOR’s goal is to promote the development of a vibrant and democratic environmental civil society within SEE countries.

Who will remember me?

New biodiversity game: Test your species memory.

Course for Sustainability
The Course for Sustainability is an educational programme for key government officials responsible for the “three pillars” of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental well-being for all in the present and future generations.

The Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programme (REReP) is the main environmental component of the Stability Pact, Working Table II.


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