Sources on Polish genealogy. For information about general genealogical resources available at the Library of Congress, consult its Local History and Genealogy Reading Room site.
Online Directories
The Library of Congress digitized two historic Polish directories and made them available to the public at the Internet addresses below. The rare and fragile items were felt to be of sufficiently broad interest to historians and genealogists to merit digitization in this pilot project. The presentation is via "page-turner" display. They are now available for use at the following URLs. (Note: these are "handles" or "permanent" URLS that have been established for these materials.)
1. Handlowa ksiega adresowa Polski i Gdanska (
A 1923 commercial directory for the entire country, including Gdansk (Danzig), totaling about 700 pages. A finding aid may be found at the Gesher Galicia site.
2. Spis abonentow
warszawskiej sieci telefonow (
This is a 540-page white pages directory of Warsaw and environs on the eve of World War II, along with a listing of businesses and advertisements arranged by product or service, e.g., office machines, sporting goods, physicians. This directory should be of special interest to researchers who lost relatives, friends, and/or property during the war.
List - Poland / Polska (
Categorized and cross-referenced index to genealogical resources on the Internet.
Resources on the Internet.--Poland Mailing Lists (
Annotated links to more than 70 mailing lists.
PolandGenWeb (
A complete guide to uncovering your Polish roots: including research guides, beginner's tips, available records and where to find them, and online transcriptions of Polish records.
PolishRoots (
Allows users to register surnames they are researching. Among other popular features are translated entries from the Slownik Geograficzny, a 19th century-Polish gazetteer covering territories within the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Polish Genealogical Society of America
(PGSA) (
The PGSA aims to collect, disseminate, and preserve information on Polish and Polish-American family history and to help members use that information in their own research. Among the databases offered here are an index of obituaries found in the Dziennik Chicagoski, indexes of jubilee books from Polish parishes in various U.S. cities, and marriage records from Polish parishes in Chicago. Also includes links to other Polish and non-Polish genealogical organizations and resources.
German Genealogy
German Genealogy
Links (
Over 250 genealogy links for Germany, including ships passenger lists, censuses, cemetery transcriptions, and military records.
Germans in Poland (
Includes information about genealogical and historical records, gazeteers and maps, and a link to an English-language newsletter for Germans from Congress Poland. In English and German.
Jewish Genealogy
Jewish Cemetery in Lodz,
Poland ( Provides a history and map of the site, as well as lists of names of people buried there. Sponsored by the Foundation Monumentum Iudaicum Lodzense. In Polish, English, German, and Hebrew.
JewishGen (
Includes the ShtetlSeeker town search and Jewish Records Indexing-Poland.