The links on this page point to Polish government ministries and agencies, business journals and other sources of information. Readers may also wish to consult the Library of Congress' Business Reference Services site, a useful starting point for conducting research in all major business subjects, including industry information, commerce, statistics, banking, insurance, economics, finance, investment, and marketing. See also the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund for economic and other information concerning Poland and other countries of the world.
American Chamber of Commerce in Poland (
The Chamber strives to serve and promote its member companies and serve as the leading voice of business in Poland, while fostering a positive relationship with the government and people of Poland to promote the free market spirit for the benefit of the business environment. Information about the Chamber (links to offices in Krakow and Wroclaw), publications and events, committees, useful links, and more.
Central Statistical Office (
Describes the Polish statistical system, classifications, and registers. Offers access to data and publications. Links to the Web sites of the Research Centre for Economic and Statistical Studies, the Central Statistical Library, and the Polish Statistical Association. Includes links to statistical information by category, metainformation, and publications. In Polish and English; Polish more complete.
Intelligence Unit. Global Technology Forum: Doing ebusiness in Poland ( PL&title=Doing%20ebusiness%20in%20Poland)
Information and analysis on doing ebusiness in Poland.
Ministry of Economy (
Information about the ministry and minister, departments, economic forecasts, and more. In Polish, some English.
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (
Information about the minister; departments; the government's economic programs; the statutory tasks, organizational structure, and the current Polish customs duty tariff. In Polish, some English.
National Bank of Poland (NBP) (
Information about the NBP, its structure and functions, banks in Poland, banking legislation, and the performance of the banking sector; NBP publications and news and daily information (interest and exchange rates); as well as documents and links regarding European integration. Also, numismatic information, such as images of Polish banknotes and coins, and commemorative issues. In English and Polish.
Polish Business Directory (
This site promotes Polish companies worldwide and facilitates the establishment of contacts and commercial exchanges between Polish companies in Poland and Polish or foreign businesses abroad interested in doing business in Poland. Links to companies by category.
Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency
(PAlilZ) (
PAlilZ promotes foreign investment in the Polish market, provides information on investment conditions and procedures, and facilitates contacts with the Polish authorities and business organizations. Includes link to information about regions, Polish law, and publications.
Polish Market Review (
Business portal. Information about Polish market conditions, including sector analysis, privatization updates, basic data, useful links, news, and regional reports.
Polskie Ksiazki Telefoniczne/Polish Yellow
Pages (
Includes Yellow Pages and links to maps, guides, international directories, embassies, consular offices, government agencies lists, and other resources. In English, Polish, and German.
Warsaw Business Journal Online (
Covers topics such as IT and telecommunications, industry and trade, advertising and media, and real estate. Provides exchange rates and a link to the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The journal's "Warsaw Insider" offers a restaurant and entertainment guide, calendar of events, and practical information about Warsaw.
U.S. Department of Commerce. Government Export Portal (
Includes links to country and industry market reports, country information, trade agreements, and trade statistics. Searchable.