Includes online maps, links to map collections, flags, climate, weather, natural resources. For information about maps and other geographical resources at the Library of Congress, consult its Geography and Map Reading Room site .
Directory of Cities, Towns,
and Regions in Poland (
Information for nearly 57,000 cities and towns in Poland, including maps, latitude and longitude, elevation, and population (estimate). From Falling Rain Genomics.
JewishGen ShtetlSeeker (
Find any town or city in Eastern Europe by name or location. At the JewishGen site.
National Geographic (
Search on Poland.
Polish Museum in Rapperswill. Collection
of Old Maps ( )
Click on "Old Maps Collection," then 27 map online to view large maps of 16th- and 17th-century Poland and Lithuania.
Russian Empire, Europe:
1902 Map of Russia's Polish Provinces (
Scanned from the Century Dictionary and Cyclopaedic Atlas, 1902. Included in the Map Room Index of the Federation of East European Family History Societies (FEEFHS) Web site.
Interactive Map of Poland (
Offers various degrees of detail, ranging from an overview of the whole country to detailed maps of over 160 towns and cities. Presented by the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography.
University of Texas
at Austin. Perry Castenada Library Map Collection: Poland (
Includes country and thematic maps of Poland.
From "Find Weather Around the World" select Europe, then Poland, and click on a list of cities.
Weather Forecast (
Prepared daily by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Administration. Includes a temperature map of Poland. In Polish.
Carpathian Ecoregion Initiative (
The Carpathian Ecoregion Initiative is a consortium aimed at conserving Carpathian natural resources and supporting local economy and culture. Informs on the Carpathians and provides links. In Czech, English, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak or Ukrainian.
Ministry of the Environment (
Links to information on the ministry, press releases and databases, sectors, reference links, and more. In Polish and English.