Includes links to major denominations, writings, schools of philosophy.
Rite Churches. The Orthodox Church in Poland (
Introduction to Poland's Eastern Rite (Orthodox and Greek-Catholic) churches. Maintained by the Polish Academic Information Center, University of Buffalo, By Peter K. Gessner.
Evangelical Augsburg (Lutheran) Church in
Poland (
The largest Protestant church in Poland. In Polish.
Opoka Foundation (
The Opoka Foundation was established by the Polish Bishops' Conference to coordinate all Internet activities of the Catholic Church in Poland. Includes links to news about the church, liturgical texts, photographs, and Vatican Radio. Mostly in Polish, but some parts are in English and other languages.
Orthodox Church in Poland (
The official website of the Polish Orthodox Church, with news and information regarding all aspects of the Orthodox religion in Poland. In Polish.
Polish-American Liturgical Center (
The Polish-American Liturgical Center was founded in 1969 to promote liturgical reform after Vatican II and to provide Polish-American communities and their parishes with the latest most current liturgical materials. With links to Polish translations and prayers; also contains a calendar of Polish customs and holidays. In Polish and English.
U.S. Department of
State. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. International Religious
Freedom Report 2005: Poland (
Annual report on the status of religious freedom in Poland.
Lublin School
of Philosophy (
Basic information about the Lublin School of Philosophy, articles by its members, and links to related sites.
Philosophia Analytica
in Polonia (
Web site devoted to Polish analytical philosophy and theology, with links to philosophy and theology departments in Poland and to related sites.