Links to sites concerning anthropology, demography, sociology, ethnic groups, women and gender studies, and the diaspora.
Institute of Anthropology,
Polish Academy of Sciences (
Describes the work of the institute and provides information about its publications. In English and Polish.
Central Statistical Office (
Describes the Polish statistical system, classifications, and registers. Offers access to data and publications. Links to the Web sites of the Research Centre for Economic and Statistical Studies, the Central Statistical Library, and the Polish Statistical Association. Includes links to statistical information by category, metainformation, and publications. In Polish and English; Polish more complete.
Diaspora (
Provides links to Polish diaspora sites in North America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and Africa, as well as links to businesses, media, and schools in the diaspora. In Polish.
Minority Groups
Borderland (
Established in the northeastern Polish town of Sejny, near the Lithuanian border, the Borderland Foundation promotes the peaceful coexistence of ethnic Poles, Lithuanians, Belarusians, and other groups in this multicultural area. Links to information about Borderland, its Documentary Center, projects, Sejny Theatre, and more. In Polish and English.
Jewish Community in Poland (
News about the Jewish community, as well as links to the Jewish press, educational facilities, associations, and an online encyclopedia of Judaism. In Polish and English.
Lemko Page (
General information and links to sites about the inhabitants of the Carpathian Mountains who were forcibly resettled by the Polish government in the mid-1940s. In English, Polish and Lemko and Ukrainian.
The Roma in Poland (
An annotated list of books about the Roma (Gypsies) in Poland. From the Open Society Institute's Forced Migration Projects, which ceased operations in 1999.
Ukrainian Pages in Poland (
Links to Ukrainian Web sites in Poland. In Ukrainian.
U.S. Department
of State. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. Country Reports on
Human Rights Practices 2005: Poland (
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices are submitted annually by the U.S. Department of State to the U.S. Congress. The reports cover internationally recognized individual, civil, political, and worker rights, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Women's Rights, Feminism
National Women's Information Center (
A nongovernmental nonprofit organization that encourages women's participation in public life, promotes awareness of gender equality, and tries to strengthen the Polish women's community by encouraging cooperation and networking of women's organizations. In Polish.
Women's Foundation(
A nonprofit feminist foundation established in 1991 to promote women's independence and solidarity, fight discrimination, and support the development of women's culture. Its Women's Center operates a hot line and a feminist library/archives, and arranges free legal advice for women. Includes information on publications, related links, and the Feminist Academy. In Polish and English.