Includes performing and visual arts, film, music, museums, theater, folklore. For materials at the Library of Congress, consult its Performing Arts Reading Room and American Folklife Center sites.
General Culture
Kosciuszko Foundation (
Maintained by the New York-based Kosciuszko Foundation, which promotes educational and cultural exchanges between the United States and Poland. Information about the foundation, cultural events, books, grants and scholarships, and summer programs abroad, as well as links to other organizations.
Ministry of Culture (
Includes information about the ministry, institutions within its purview, and cultural events in Poland, as well as links to theaters, orchestras, opera companies, museums, libraries, and schools of music and theater. In Polish.
Music and Theater
Opera Companies of the World (
Web site and contact information for opera houses and festivals worldwide.
Polish Music Center (
An extensive Web site providing information about composers, competitions, festivals, manuscripts, scores, and recordings of Polish music, as well as newsletters, journals, books on various aspects of Polish music, and more. Associated with the Thornton School of Music, University of Southern California.
Polish Music Journal (
Online musiciology journal dedicated to study of Polish music. Links to archives and current issue. From the Thornton School of Music, University of Southern California.
Theaters on the Internet ( Information and links regarding companies, performances, festivals, reviews, TV and radio theater, legends of the Polish theater, theatrical publications, and the Association of Polish Actors, as well as interviews with individuals associated with the theater (directors, critics, actors, and so on.). In Polish.
Museums and Art Galleries
Contemporary Art Galleries
in Poland (
Links to contemporary art galleries in Poland; search by name, city, or region. Maintained by the Documentation and Information Department, Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw. In English and Polish.
National Museum in Warsaw (
Information about the museum and its collections and exhibits, including images of painting and sculpture from its galleries of Polish art and from its new collection of Eastern Christian art.
Polish Museums
in the World (
Brief descriptions of and links to Polish museums in Poland, the United States, and Switzerland. Maintained by the Chicago-based
Folk Culture
Polish Folk Resources (
Links to Polish folk ensembles and folkloric resources, cultural resources, and related sites.