Includes catalogs, Web sites, databases, bibliographies, electronic libraries, and library organizations. For information about and links to all the national libraries of Europe, visit The European Library site. The Library of Congress' catalog may be consulted at
Polish Library Web Sites
Biblioteka Narodowa w Warszawie (
Home page of the National Library of Poland includes links to its online catalog and other databases of its holdings, including an index to selected Polish periodicals (1996- ). In Polish and English.
Libdex. The Library Index:
Poland (
Links to academic, government, medical, national special, and theological libraries in Poland. List in English; links primarily in Polish.
Polish Libraries.
The List of Polish Libraries and their Home Pages (
Links to archives and research tools as well as alphabetic list of links to libraries by city. In English and Polish.
Libraries Portal: Poland (
An annotated list of and links to public libraries in Poland, maintained by EBIB Electronic Library, Polish Library Association.
Major Polish Collections Outside of Poland
Polish Collections
at the British Library (
Includes an overview of the collections; links to catalogs, printed guides, and other resources; as well as Polish material elsewhere in the British Library.
Polish Collections
at the Library of Congress (
Information on the Library's General Collections, European Reading Room, rare books, manuscripts, maps, and more.
Polish Library of Washington (
Founded in 1991, the Polish Library of Washington is a circulating library serving the Polish community of the metropolitan Washington area. The site provides access to the library's online catalog of books and videos, an archive of library newsletters and book reviews, Polish bookstores, other Polish libraries, and sundry other useful links.
University of Pittsburgh.
Alliance College Polish Collection (
Alliance College, founded by the Polish National Alliance (PNA) in 1912, closed in 1987. In 1991, the PNA donated the approximately 35,000 cataloged and 15,000 uncataloged volumes in the college's Polish collection to the University of Pittsburgh. Primarily in Polish, the collection is particularly strong in Polish language and literature, history, and the Polish experience in the United States.
Online Catalogs and Guides
The Distributed Catalog
of Polish Libraries (KARO) (
Complement to the National Union Catalog. Search by individual libraries or combinations of libraries. In Polish.
Guide to
East European and Slavic Library Collections on the Internet (
Links to the online catalogs of the Columbia University, Harvard University, Indiana University, University of Illinois, University of Kansas, Yale University, and other libraries with outstanding Polish collections. Links to libraries in the Untied States and Europe. Maintained by the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages.
Online Catalog of the
Adam Mickiewicz University Library in Poznan (
Offers links to online catalogs of other university libraries in Poland, and to that of the Polish Library in Washington, DC.
Catalog of Jagiellonian University Library (
Searchable. In Polish; instructions in English.
Polish National Union Catalog (NUKAT) (
The central catalog of Polish research libraries. Searchable. In Polish and English.
Online Libraries
Central and Eastern European Online Library (
An Internet library of scholarly and cultural publications from Central and Eastern Europe. Search articles, books, publishers, periodicals, and authors.
Digital Library Framework (
A digital library constructed by the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center and the Poznan Foundation of Scientific Libraries offering full-text access to a large collection of rare books and special collections, including incunabula, manuscripts, maps, Judaica, city directories, exhibit catalogs, and historical newspapers, among other materials. Seven sub-libraries are accessible; a total of 13 are planned.
Virtual Library of
Polish Literature (
Includes an alphabetical index of authors, titles in chronological order, biographical notes, and illustrations. Maintained by the Institute of Polish Philology, University of Gdansk. In cooperation with the Polish National Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Biographical notes in English and Polish.
Archival Information Center (
The Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America maintains this guide to significant Polish archival collections in the United States, Canada, and other countries.
Polish State Archives (
Provides a description of holdings, contact information, and annotated links to the three main national archives in Warsaw: the Central Archive of Historical Records, the Archive of New Records, and the Archive of Audiovisual Records. Also includes links to other archives, databases, and publications. In Polish and English.
For Librarians
Electronic Information
Bulletin for Librarians (EBIB) (
The first Polish online library journal, published by the Association of Polish Librarians, and maintained by the Ossolineum Library in Wroclaw. Includes links to the Bulletin, news, and resources. In English and Polish.