Basic information and general descriptions about Poland, as well as general country Web sites/portals.
Encyclopaedia Britannica. Poland (
Search on Poland for useful information and Web sites.
U.S. Central
Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook: Poland (
General information and statistics about Poland, with the following subdivisions: introduction, geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues.
U.S. Department of State. Background
Notes (
Facts about the land, people, history, government, political conditions, economy, and foreign relations of independent states, some dependencies, and areas of special sovereignty. Click on country link.
U.S. Library of Congress, Federal Research Division. Poland: a country study (
The Federal Research Division (FRD) of the Library of Congress published in 1994 an extensive handbook entitled Poland: a country study. The text and selected graphics of the 356-page work are available in an electronic format on the FRD Web site. The reader can search for words or variants of search words, within one country study or across multiple studies. The country study can be downloaded, one section at a time, and saved as an html or txt file. (No revised editions are planned at present.)
General Portals
Cracovia Academy
of Polish Language and Culture (
A Polish-English "bridge," helping Polish emigrants from all of the world in personal and business matters. In Polish and English.
Governments on the WWW: Poland (
Links to national institutions as well as representations in foreign countries, political parties, and more.
Open Directory Project.
Regional: Europe: Poland (
Links to a wide variety of Web sites culled from major search engines.
Poland News (
Provides general news, business news, and travel information, and includes links to business, cultural, health, recreation, sports, regional, and reference sites. From EINnews; requires subscription.
Poland on the
Web (
Annotated links to sites on arts and culture, communications and media, the economy, education, geography, government and politics, history, organizations and issues, population and people, recreation, science and heath, and travel and tourism, as well as to country profiles, country guides, link indices, and search engines. Maintained by the Polish Academic Information Center, University of Buffalo.
PolishWorld (
Contains current news articles and weather forecasts. Offers information on the country's arts, culture, business, economy, politics, and government. Provides information on Poland's education system, ecology, religion, sports and entertainment activities, and health care resources. Links to travel information, reference resources, and related organizations and personal pages. Also links to other Polish directories and an online bookstore. (
A portal with links concerning government, history, geography, culture, science, tourism, the economy, and the Polish diaspora, as well as links to the Web sites of Polish cities and other Polish portals. In Polish.
REESWeb: Annotated Links (
Includes REESBrowse, an indexed collection of annotated links which may be searched by subject, culture, and region. Maintained by the University of Pittsburgh's Center for Russian and East European Studies.
University of
Texas at Austin. College of Liberal Arts. Russian and East European Network Information
Center (REENIC): Poland (
Basic country information about Poland, Internet search tools, area study centers, associations, and a wide variety of useful portals on subject matters from communications to government to science and technology.
Wirtualna Polska. Encyklopedia (
A portal which provides an interactive platform for information, communication, and electronic transactions. In Polish.
Statistical Resources
Central Statistical Office (
Describes the Polish statistical system, classifications, and registers. Offers access to data and publications. Links to the Web sites of the Research Centre for Economic and Statistical Studies, the Central Statistical Library, and the Polish Statistical Association. Includes links to statistical information by category, metainformation, and publications. In Polish and English; Polish more complete.
InfoNation (
Select Poland to find statistical indicators under the categories of geography, economy, population and social indicators. Allows the user to select up to seven countries and four statistical categories so that the chosen countries/categories are presented on the chart for easy comparison. Maintained by the United Nations. Poland (
Facts and figures on Poland.