The Historical Text Archive: Electronic History Resources, online since 1990 Bringing you digitized history, primary and secondary sources
HTA Home Page

Welcome to Don Mabry's Historical Text Archive !

The HTA publishes high quality articles, books, essays, documents, historical photos, and links, screened for content, for a broad range of historical subjects. It was founded in 1990 in Mississippi and is one of the oldest history sites on the Internet. This site is dynamic with regular additions to its contents and its link collection.

The site is divided into three sections: articles, e-books, and links. The article section contains the articles, documents, essays, and photographs. You can reach any of these by using the navigation table on the left of the screen or by using the breadcrumbs.

We hope you enjoy the site.

HTA Contents: 690 articles, 71 books and 7570 links.

Last 10 articles

Last 5 books