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How to Use the Images


Inquiry Question

Historical Context

Map 1




Table of

Visual Evidence

Map 2: The Disposition of Both Armies During the Three Days of the Battle

[Graphic] Map 2a with link to higher quality map.
July 1
[Graphic] Map 2b with link to higher quality map.
 July 2

[Graphic] Map 2c with link to higher quality map.
July 3
 Each of these maps represents the positions of the opposing armies before the day's major battle action.

Both the Army of Northern Virginia (the Confederate army) and the Army of the Potomac (the Union army) concentrated their forces near Gettysburg after May 1863. The network of roads surrounding Gettysburg was the key to each army's arrival at the battle.

1) According to the maps, how did each army's position change between the start of July 1's main fighting and the start of the July 2's main fighting? In your description, be sure to refer to the roads and terrain features named on the map.

2) How did each army's position change between the start of the main fighting on July 2 and the start of the main fighting on July 3? Again, refer to the roads and terrain features named on the map.

3) What does the map for July 3 show as that day's main event?

4) How did the Union army use the terrain to its advantage during the Battle of Gettysburg?

* The maps on the screen have a resolution of 72 dots per inch (dpi), and therefore will print poorly. You can obtain high quality versions of each map, but be aware that the file will take as much as a minute to a load with a 28.8K modem.




Comments or Questions

National Park Service arrowhead with link to NPS website.