National Register of Historic Places

Explore Your National Parks
Historic Places


The National Register's Teaching with Historic Places program and the National Park Foundation have developed a curriculum kit that brings the exciting stories of our national parks into the classroom. Funded by Target Stores and The Eureka Company, Explore Your National Parks: Historic Places features lesson plans for grades five through eight that are based on events that took place in six national parks. Each lesson has been adapted from a published Teaching with Historic Places lesson and uses carefully-selected written and visual materials that bring history to life.

Target designed and printed approximately 40,000 copies of Explore Your National Parks: Historic Places, which it distributed free of charge during its 2nd Annual Teacher Appreciation Day on Saturday, September 26, 1998. Now Teaching with Historic Places and Target are making portions of the kit available through the World Wide Web.

At present, all six lessons are ready for classroom use. Each lesson includes maps, readings, and photographs, all of which work together to explain the place and its importance in American history. Also available are introductions that explain how to use the lessons and how historic places enrich and enliven the teaching of social studies, history, geography, and civics.

Front cover of kit
National parks featured in the kit, clockwise from upper left: Edison National Historic Site; Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site (2); USS Arizona Memorial (2); Jefferson National Expansion Memorial; San Antonio Missions National Historical Park; and Gettysburg National Military Park. Image courtesy of Target Stores


A Welcome to Educators

Using Places to Teach

Lesson plans

Teaching with Historic Places

The National Register of Historic Places

The National Park Foundation



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