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How to Use the Images


Inquiry Question

Historical Context



Photo 1


Table of

Visual Evidence

Photo 2: Nancy Morton Staples in front of the Morton Home, c. 1913. [Photo 2] with link to higher quality photo.
(Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park)

Photo 3: View of the Morton Cellar in Prairie Grove, c. 1913. The building was torn down about 1955. [Photo 3] with link to higher quality photo.
(Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park)

Questions for Photos 2 & 3

1. Examine Photo 2 and review the terrain of the area by looking at Map 1. Would the Morton House have been a good shelter during the battle? Why or why not?

2. Examine Photo 3. Would the cellar have been good shelter during the battle? Why or why not?

3. How do you think the Morton family and the neighbors felt during the battle?

4. What would you have taken with you if you had been forced to hide in a cellar during a Civil War battle?

5. Did the Morton's place end up being a safe haven during the battle? How and when did harm reach the family? Why does this seem ironic?

* The photos on this screen have a resolution of 72 dots per inch (dpi), and therefore will print poorly. You can obtain a high quality version of Photo 2 and Photo 3, but be aware that each file will take as much as 32 seconds to load with a 28.8K modem.



Comments or Questions

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