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Clara Barton's House--Supplementary Resources

Clara Barton's House: Home of the American Red Cross considers the life of one of 19th century America's most influential women. Below are materials for further exploration of her life, women's roles in the Civil War, and the American Red Cross.

Clara Barton National Historic Site
Clara Barton's home in Glen Echo, Maryland is now a unit of the National Park Service. The park's web pages detail its history, including photographs, descriptions, and materials for teachers.

Antietam National Battlefield
Clara Barton's efforts to care for the wounded began during the Civil War, and the web site of this battlefied provides more information about her work.

National Park Service Civil War Website
Visit the official National Park Service Civil War Web Site. Offering the current generation of Americans an opportunity to know, discuss, and commemorate this country's greatest national crisis, while at the same time exploring its enduring relevance in the present, the website includes a variety of helpful features and links such as the About the Civil War page that offers a timeline and stories from various perspectives. Also included are links to Civil War Parks, NPS education programs, and much more.

American Red Cross History
The American Red Cross details its history in a virtual museum that includes photographs and descriptions of the organization since its founding.

U.S. Civil War Center
Louisiana State University maintains this collection of Civil War resources, including a list of links providing more information about women in the war.


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