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WWF South Pacific News

for Sunday, 09 November 2008

Fiji Islander leads international conservation body in the Pacific

Ms Kesaia Tabunakawai is the new Representative of WWF South Pacific Programme Office

16 September, Suva, Fiji. One of Fiji’s renowned women conservationists Ms. Kesaia Tabunakawai has been confirmed as the head of the South Pacific office of WWF, the global conservation organisation.

Ms. Kesaia Tabunakawai is the new Representative of the WWF programme office that supports work in Fiji, Cook Islands and coordinates regional Pacific effort. She joined the organization in 1996 and has served as manager of the Fiji Country Programme as well as the conservation director of the regional WWF programme. She started her career in conservation with the Ministry of Fisheries and Forestry in Fiji.

The Fijian born ‘greeny’ led the WWF Pacific team to work with Fiji Locally Managed Marine Network (FLAMMA) and Fiji Government to commit to establishing a network of marine protected areas in 30% of Fiji’s inshore and offshore marine areas, in 2005. This commitment by Fiji spurred the leaders of Micronesia to declare a commitment to protect 30% of their marine areas and 20% of forests in a network of protected areas known as the Micronesia challenge. A number of similar declarations have been made across the Pacific, including the largest marine protected area in Kiribati.

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G8 leader’s summit declaration on climate change and how it impacts the Pacific Island nations

9 July 2008. Suva, Fiji. The outcomes of the G8 meeting in Japan are not sufficient to prevent dangerous impacts of climate change occurring in the Pacific. As a group of countries amongst those most vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change, the expectations of the Pacific from the G8 summit fell short.

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Corporates and Individuals Fundraise for Turtles

© WWF SPPO 2008. The team from Institute of Marine Resources at University of the South Pacific enjoying the WWF Turtle Ball.

Following the success of the first ever Turtle Benefit Ball last year, WWF Fiji again hosted corporations and concerned individuals to yet another fun night of food, drinks and music in aid of this cultural icon.

More than 200 guests from different professions and repute attended the black tie event in aid of WWF to protect the endangered seas turtles, the official theme of the evening.

The benefit ball which was initiated last year drew a lot of corporate and the general public’s attention on the need to protect this cultural icon. Funds raised last year contributed to the first ever satellite tagging of two Fiji turtles.

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An enchanted evening for the endangered turtle

The venue before the majority of the guests arrived. © WWF Fiji / Jone Tuiipelehaki.

The Annual Turtle Benefit Ball is promising to be another evening of fun, feasting and most importantly, gathering much needed support for turtle conservation in Fiji.

The event scheduled for the 7th June, 2008, has already attracted commitments from resorts such as Castaway Island Resort, Hideaway Resort, Musket Cove Resort, The Pearl Resort & Golf, Sonaisali Island Resort Fiji, Beachcomber Island Resort, Lagoon Resort, Tradewinds Hotel & Convention Centre, Tanoa International and corporate bodies such as Pure Fiji, Fiji Water, Pacific Manufacturers and Pacific Coatings Limited. (See full listing)

The inaugural Turtle Benefit Ball held in 2007, attracted more than 200 guests from different professions and repute to aid WWF Fiji and partners in their efforts to protect the endangered sea turtle – a cultural icon for the island nation. The Ball raised a total of FJD 10,000.

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  • The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission has opened its new office in Pohnpei, the capital of the Federated States of Micronesia with a mandate to monitor and conserve critically-low levels of highly migratory fish stocks in the Pacific.
  • Scientists have warned that tuna stocks are dropping to perilously low levels, threatening many subsistence communities in the Pacific and denying commercial fisheries in the region a better livelihood.
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