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The Siege and Battle of Corinth: A New Kind of War--Supplementary Resources

When students have completed The Siege and Battle of Corinth: A New Kind of War, they will understand how newly developed technologies affected two military engagements and one tiny town in Mississippi during the Civil War. Students and teachers interested in learning more will find the following resources useful.

Shiloh National Military Park
The Park's website contains useful information which can help students understand the Siege and Battle of Corinth in their wider contexts.

Teaching with Historic Places lesson plans
The lesson plan, These Honored Dead: The Battle of Rivers Bridge and Civil War Combat Casualties, discusses how veteran soldiers applied what they had learned about fortifications in places like Corinth at another battle, this one in 1865. Oscar L. Jackson, who took part in the battle of Corinth and is quoted in Reading 2, survived to describe Rivers Bridge as well.

Fort Morgan and the Battle of Mobile Bay, is another lesson plan that looks at the impact of emerging technologies on a battle and the men who fought in it. Follow Admiral Farragat's attack on Fort Morgan and Mobile Bay, and consider the human reaction to technologies such as ironclads and underwater mines.

National Park Service Civil War Website
Visit the official National Park Service Civil War Web Site. Offering the current generation of Americans an opportunity to know, discuss, and commemorate this country's greatest national crisis, while at the same time exploring its enduring relevance in the present, the website includes a variety of helpful features and links such as the About the Civil War page that offers a timeline and stories from various perspectives. Also included are links to Civil War Parks, NPS education programs, and much more.

Civil War Soldiers & Sailors System
The National Park Service's Civil War Soldiers & Sailors System is a database containing facts about Civil War servicemen, lists of Civil War regiments, and descriptions of significant Civil War battles.

Library of Congress
The Library of Congress web page has created a selected Civil War photograph history in their "American Memory" collection. Included on the site is a photographic time line of the Civil War covering major events for each year of the war.

The United States Civil War Center
Louisiana State University maintains a Civil War Center that locates, indexes, and makes available all appropriate private and public data on the internet regarding the Civil War. The site features over 4,500 links that promote the study of the Civil War from all perspectives.

National Park Service
The National Park Service's American Battlefield Protection Program features several helpful on-line publications about the Civil War, including Civil War Battle Summaries, and much more.

The Civil War Preservation Trust
The Civil War Preservation Trust web page includes both a brief discussion of railroads in the Civil War and an account of the Siege and Battle of Corinth, including links to biographies of some of the participants.

Northeast Mississippi Museum Association
The Northeast Mississippi Museum Association website, contains information about Corinth history, the Civil War, the siege and battle of Corinth, and historic sites in the area. The Corinth Museum, located at 204 W. Fourth Street in Corinth, contains hundreds of Civil War artifacts.

Civil War Field Fortifications
The Civil War Field Fortifications Website offers detailed information on how Civil War field fortifications were designed, erected, and used.

For Further Reading
Students and teachers wishing to know more about the Siege and Battle of Corinth may want to look at James M. McPherson's Battle Cry of Freedom (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988).



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