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Skagway: Gateway to the Klondike--
Supplementary Resources

Skagway: Gateway to the Klondike will help in understanding the impact the Klondike Gold Rush had on Skagway, Alaska as well as how buildings can help reveal stories of a community's past. Those interested in learning more will find that the Internet offers a variety of materials.

Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Skagway Unit
Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park is a unit of the National Park System. The park's web page details the history of the park and visitation information. The site also offers information about the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park curatorial center (one of the largest repositories of Klondike Gold Rush material), the Skagway Historic District, and the Chilkoot Trail.

Hard Drive to the Klondike:
Promoting Seattle During the Gold Rush

The National Park Service interprets the Klondike Gold Rush, including Seattle's role in the Klondike trade, the significance of the transcontinental railroad in encouraging population growth and the expansion of local industries, and the legacy of the Gold Rush, in their historic resource study, Hard Drive to the Klondike: Promoting Seattle During the Gold Rush.

Gold in Alaska: A Century of Mining History in Alaska's National Parks
Many of the Alaskan gold discoveries took place in areas that are today part of the National Park System. This online history book contains the histories of a sampling of park units that interpret their gold rush past.

Banking on the Stampeders
The National Postal Museum celebrated the Klondike/Alaskan Gold Rush centennial with a web page that explores the last great gold rush of the 19th century. The site provides information on the competition for stampeder dollars between Dyea and Skagway, the most popular trails over the mountains, the impact of the White Pass and Yukon Railroad, and much more.

Alaska's Gold
Alaska Gold Rush was developed by the Alaska Rich Mining Project Committee to make archival, library and museum materials more accessible to users throughout the state and to assist teachers in using primary source materials in classrooms. Alaska's Gold has two parts: Alaska's Gold Themes and Alaska's Gold Lode. Alaska's Gold Themes includes primary source materials enhanced with questions, suggested activities and a teacher's resources packet. Alaska's Gold Lode includes a larger selection of documents related to the project themes.

Golden Dreams: The Quest for the Klondike
Golden Dreams: The Quest for the Klondike is a historical and photographic exhibit by the Washington State Historical Society that retraces the path to the Klondike gold fields through the lens of photographer, Asahel Curtis.

University of Washington Libraries Digital Northwest Collections
The University of Washington Libraries' web page offers the digital photograph collection of Eric A. Hegg documenting the Klondike and Alaska gold rushes. Included on the site are photographs of Skagway, Alaska, the Yukon Territory, and Washington state.

Valdez Museum & Historical Archive
The Valdez Gold Rush pages provide a database to research information about gold rush participants. This site also features a time line, historic photographs, and a Gold Rush Links page to other sites and information about the Klondike and California gold rushes.

The Seattle Times
The Seattle Times web page provides unique insight in their Klondike Special Report where a reporter travels north by ferry, foot, and kayak on a Klondike adventure with his historical "companion," Mont Hawthorne, who made the trip in 1897-98. Included on the site is an article titled The Day Seattle's Ship Came In, and letters and journals chronicling the stampeders experience.


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