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America's Space Program:
Exploring a New Frontier--
Supplementary Resources

After reading America's Space Program: Exploring a New Frontier, students will appreciate the cooperation that was needed to send a man to the Moon and bring him safely home. Students and educators who want to know more will find many useful resources on the World Wide Web.

The NASA web site contains a wealth of information on the history of the space program and on current projects. It also includes a variety of photographs and educational materials relating to the Apollo mission.

Space Centers
The web sites for the Kennedy Space Center, the Marshall Space Flight Center, and the Johnson Space Center, all have useful material on the history of the centers, historic photos and documents, and educational material. The Kennedy Space Center site also provides information on viewing current launches.

The Apollo Program--National Air and Space Museum
The Apollo Program presents imagery & information from manned Apollo missions. This information comes from NASA and the National Air and Space Museum's Center for Earth and Planetary Studies Regional Planetary Image Facility collection.

National Park Service:
The Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record Collection

The Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record Collection features documentation, photographs, and drawings of several space centers including the Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama. Search on the key words "space centers."

National Park Service--Man in Space: Study of Alternatives
This planning study explores 26 significant sites associated with Man in Space. These sites include wind tunnels, rocket engine and development test facilities, launch complexes, training facilities, spacecraft and hardware test facilities, mission control and tracking centers, and other support facilities throughout the United States. The study also discusses the 18 installations that played an important role in the early American space program and/or have value for interpreting the history of the program to the public. Other space museums and facilities that provide interpretive and educational opportunities related to the exploration of space are also briefly described.

National Park Service--Man in Space: Excerpts from a National Historic Landmark Theme Study
The Man in Space National Historic Landmark Theme Study evaluates all resources which relate to the theme of Man in Space and to recommend certain of those resources for designation as National Historic Landmarks. The Man in Space Theme Study considered resources relating to the following general subthemes:

A. Technical Foundations before 1958
B. The Effort to Land a Man on the Moon
C. The Exploration of the Planets and Solar System
D. The Role of Scientific and Communications Satellites

Aviation: From Sand Dunes to Sonic Booms
This National Register of Historic Places' on-line travel itinerary provides information on more than 100 historic places listed in the National Register associated with history of aviation. Numerous sites featured on the itinerary are associated with America's Space Program. Also included are essays on the Idea of Flight, the Wright Brothers, Aviation Pioneers, Modern Aviation, Air Power, and Space.

Space Movie Cinema
Made available by the NASA Johnson Space Center, Space Movie Cinema allows viewing of a number of short movies on space exploration on personal computers that have the necessary viewing capability.

To the Moon
To the Moon is a companion web site to the NOVA special that was shown on the Public Broadcasting System in 1999. It includes a panoramic view of the landscape of the Moon, science puzzles, and interviews with astronauts.

The Apollo Mode Decision
The Apollo Mode Decision was developed by Pamela Mack at Clemson University, in part to demonstrate how Internet resources can be used for research. It provides a detailed analysis of the decision to use a lunar orbit mode to reach the Moon.

American Heritage of Invention and Technology
Mission Control: How a symbol of modernity became dangerously old-fashioned and then returned to the forefront of technology.
This article explains the evolution of Mission Control to its present-day state and illustrates the complexity of the cooperative partnerships and detailed work that make space missions possible. Visit the following URL.


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