Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Masoud Barzani

The Kurdistan Region and the Future of Iraq

Masoud Barzani, president of the Kurdistan Region in Iraq, spoke at CSIS on the Kurdistan region and the future of Iraq. President Barzani was introduced by Dr. John J. Hamre, CSIS president and CEO. President Barzani discussed the roles of Kurds in Iraq, the Status of Forces Agreement between the United States and Iraq, and other pressing issues. After his speech, President Barzani took questions from the audience. The event was moderated by Raymond F. DuBois, CSIS senior adviser.
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what's new
The Future of American Military Power
Anthony Cordesman, the CSIS Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy, has written a new commentary, "The New Presidency and the Future of American Military Power."
Read More | Burke Chair in Strategy

Human Rights and Governance in Ethiopia
The CSIS Africa Program hosted Assistant Secretary of State David Kramer and a panel of experts to talk about recent developments in the region. READ MORE | LISTEN | AFRICA

Great Recessions: Lessons Learned from Japan
Richard C. Koo, the world-renowned chief economist of Nomura Research Institute, discussed the lessons learned from Japan's "lost decade" during a presentation at CSIS.
Read More | View Presentation | Listen | Watch | Japan

A New Framework for Enhanced Global Security
The U.S.-Japan Alliance: A New Framework for Enhanced Global Security a report by Hideki Wakabayashi, a visiting fellow in the CSIS Japan Chair, was presented at a recent event.
Listen | Read Report | Japan

UNAIDS Director Discusses Global Health Challenges
CSIS hosted Dr. Peter Piot, executive director of UNAIDS. Dr. Piot delivered an address on the achievements and challenges the world has faced in the past decade, during the period of his leadership at UNAIDS. Read More | Listen | Watch | Global Health

OPEC Production and the Falling Price of Oil
Frank A. Verrastro, a senior fellow at CSIS and director of its Energy and National Security Program, and Sarah O. Ladislaw, a fellow with the program, have written a new commentary on the lack of a price response to an OPEC production quota cut. Read More | Energy

Crafting U.S. Economic Strategy toward Asia
A bipartisan CSIS task force has written a new report on lessons learned from the economic relationship between the United States and Asia over the last 30 years. Read More | Watch | Listen | China

Assessing U.S. Policy Toward Russia
Bob Schieffer moderated an expert panel to assess U.S. policy toward Russia in the wake of the Russia-Georgia conflict.
Listen | Transcript | Watch | Schieffer Dialogues

An Agenda for U.S.-Japan Cooperation
The CSIS Japan Chair program held an event to discuss ways the United States and Japan can work on energy security, climate change, development in Africa, governance, and multilateral cooperation. Watch | Listen | Read More | Japan

Coca-Cola Company CEO Joins CSIS Board of Trustees
The Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) is pleased to announce that Muhtar Kent, president and chief executive officer of The Coca-Cola Company, has become a member of the CSIS Board of Trustees. Read More

An Update by Ethiopia's Health Minister
CSIS and the Woodrow Wilson Center's Africa Program hosted Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, minister of health for Ethiopia, to discuss Ethiopia's health policy innovations.
Listen | Africa | Global Health

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David BerteauDavid Berteau, director of the CSIS Defense Industrial Initiatives Group, was quoted by the Los Angeles Times, "Economic Data Point to the Start of a Recession."

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