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Latest Archive Web Publications

NEW - May 1, 2009
"How Much is Enough?":The U.S. Navy and "Finite Deterrence"
A Moment in Cold War History when the Fundamentals of the U.S. Nuclear Posture Were at Stake

NEW - April 23, 2009
Robert F. Kennedy Urged Lifting Travel Ban to Cuba in '63
Documents Record First Internal Debate to Lift Ban

April 7, 2009
Fujimori Found Guilty of Human Rights Crimes
National Security Archive Posts Declassified Evidence Used in Trial

March 19, 2009
New Attorney General Guidelines on FOIA Released

March 17, 2009
Historical Archives Lead to Arrest of Police Officers in Guatemalan Disappearance
Declassified documents show U.S. Embassy knew that Guatemalan security forces were behind wave of abductions of students and labor leaders

February 14, 2009
Afghanistan and the Soviet Withdrawal 1989
: 20 Years Later
Tribute to Alexander Lyakhovsky Includes Previously Secret Soviet Documents

January 26, 2009
Jan Palach Week, 1989: The Beginning of the End for Czechoslovak Communism

Documents from Secret Police, Party, and Dissidents Published on Web

January 23, 2009
U.S. Nuclear Detection and Counterterrorism, 1998-2009
New Book and Declassified Documents Describe Once-Secret Nuclear Counterterrorism Unit

January 22, 2009
Cuba and the U.S.: Road Map on Efforts to Improve Relations Revealed in Declassified Documents
Secret Kissinger Era reports on Ending "Perpetual Antagonism" may hold Lessons for Obama Administration

January 13, 2009
The Iranian Nuclear Program, 1974-1978
U.S.-Iran Nuclear Negotiations in 1970s Featured Shah's Nationalism and U.S. Weapons Worries

January 7, 2009
"Body count mentalities": Colombia's "False Positives" Scandal, Declassified
Documents Describe History of Abuses by Colombian Army

More recent items

The National Security Archive is an independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A tax-exempt public charity, the Archive receives no U.S. government funding; its budget is supported by publication royalties and donations from foundations and individuals. On March 17, 2000, Long Island University named the National Security Archive as winner of a Special George Polk Award for 1999 for "piercing self-serving veils of government secrecy" and "serving as an essential journalistic resource."

National Security Archive, Suite 701, Gelman Library, The George Washington University, 2130 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C., 20037 - Phone: 202/994-7000 - Fax: 202/994-7005 - nsarchiv@gwu.edu

FOIA and Advocacy

April 14, 2009
White House Agrees to Share Information in an Effort to Resolve Archive's E-mail Lawsuit

April 13, 2009
"Torturing Democracy" Wins RFK Journalism Award

Award Committee Calls Film "the definitive broadcast account of a deeply troubling chapter in recent American history"

March 13, 2009
2009 Rosemary Award for Worst FOIA Performance Goes to FBI
National Security Archive Cites FBI for Record-Setting "No Records" Responses

February 26, 2009
Obama Administration Lifts Blanket Ban on Media Coverage of the Return of Fallen Soldiers
Policy changed 18 years after Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney first banned news media from covering honor ceremonies at Dover Air Force Base

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National Security Archive Wins Emmy Award
"Declassified: Nixon in China" Cited by Television Academy for Outstanding Achievement in News & Documentary Research

Special Exhibits

The September 11th Sourcebooks
Primary sources on the War on Terrorism

Art Before Power
Jenny Holzer Exhibition Showcases Archive's Documents

The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
The 40th Anniversary

Nixon Meets Elvis
Documents and photos from the extraordinary meeting


The Digital National Security Archive
Available from ProQuest

Archive Projects
Chile | China and the United States | China and the Bomb | Colombia | Cuba | Guatemala | Honduras | India-Pakistan | Indonesia | Intelligence Policy | Iran | Israel | Japan | Mexico | Nuclear History | Openness in Russia and Eastern Europe

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