520 505 852 $a $b $j $e 506, 540 if this attribute is omitted, then title relates to 245$a $b $n and $p 210 242 246 240, 130 All characters, including space, up to the first sort character. 245$c 100, 700 $u Value is from the list at http:/www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/authorityfile/authorityfilesource.html if it is a code: 100, 110, 111, 700, 710, 711 $4. If it is text:100, 110, 700, 710 $e. The value of this attribute is from list at http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/relator/relatorsource.html. If the value is "marcrelator" the content is from list at http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/relator/relatorlist.html LDR/6 Use for mixed musical and nonmusical, or when not specified whether musical or nonmusical. 008/26, 008/33, 008/29, 008/30, 008/24+, 008/21, 008/25, 655 Value of this attribute may be from the list at:http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/genre/genresource.html. If so, and if the value is 'marcgt' then the content is from list at http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/genre/genrelist.html. The value may instead be a uri. 260 $b 260$c, 008/07-14 033 date resource modified, not record modified 250 LDR/7 310 260 $a if text. 008/15-17, 044 if a code 008/35-37, 041 008/23 or 29, 256 The value of this attribute is from the list at http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/form/formsource.html. If the value is "marcform" the content is from list at: http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/form/formlist.html 007/13ER 856 $q 300 $a and $c, and 306 $a 008/22, 521 The value of this attribute is from the list at http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/target/targetsource.html. If the value of this attribute is "marctarget", the content from the list at http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/target/targetlist.html 650, 6xx $x 651, 6xx $z 648, 6xx $y 630 600, 610, 611 043 255 656 Value is from the list at http:/www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/subject/subjectsource.html 752 050, 082, 080, 060, 086, 084 Value of this attribute is from the list at http:/www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/classification/classificationsource.html edition qualifies authority, for authorities that have editions, e.g. DDC. To be used to give full citation information about the location within a host item; use with relatedItem type="host". if 787; or 700, 710, 711, 730 with $t and ind2 = blank; then omit type. 780 785 534, 786 772, 773 770, 774, 700, 710, 711 with $t and ind2 = 2 490, 440, 760, 800, 810, 811, 830 775 776 510 Use only if different from date of resource being described in 'originInfo' Use only if different than main title of resource being described Suggested values: part, volume, issue, chapter, section, paragraph, track. These values are used regardless of linguistic term) Hierarchical level (level of enumeration) of a given detail element when there are multiple detail elements; top level is 1. For example assume two details, volume and issue; for volume (which is at a higher level hierarchically): type="volume" level="1"; for issue: type="issue" level="2". If 'start' but not 'end' is supplied, it should be assumed that the end page is unknown. A single page is indicated by presence of both 'start' and 'end' with same value. Use for first page or begin minute Use for last page, end minutes, or (together with start element) single page A cardinal rather than ordinal number. Use for a total number of pages or minutes. Use for an unparsed statement, e.g. p. 5-12. suggested values: pages, minutes 010, 020, 022, 024, 028, 037, 856 Suggested values include (but are not limited to): "hdl","doi","isbn", "isrc", "ismn" "issn", "issue number", "istc", "lccn", "local", "matrix number", "music publisher", "music plate", "sici", "uri", "upc", "videorecording identifier", "stock number" 856$3 $z in 0XX fields 852 $a $b $j $e 852$3 856$u 856$3 use for local extensions or for extensions from other XML schemas 040 $a, $d 008/00-05 005 001 Who supplied the identifier. From 003 040$b If the link is supplied it is in lieu of or in addition to the content. if omitted, free text is assumed So that a particular date may be distinguished among several dates. Thus for example when sorting MODS records by date, a date with keyDate="yes" would be the date to sort on. It should occur only for one date at most in a given record. Value of this attribute is from list at: http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/organization/organizationsource.html. If the value is "marcorg", see: http://www.loc.gov/marc/organizations ISO 639-2b 100, 700 110, 710. 111, 711