The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Canada >> Society
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Canada: Society: Human Rights Organizations

Created and maintained by the
Humanities and Social Sciences Division,
Collections and Services Directorate, An Alcove 9 Project
Amnesty International Canada
Website for the Canadian branch of the international human rights organization, with information on both international and national initiatives.
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Government agency charged with invetigating cases of discrimination in employment and the provision of government services. The website includes overviews of issues such as discrimination and harassment, pay equity, and other issues. In English and French.
Canadian Human Rights Web Sites
Extensive list of websites compiled by the Human Rights Research Center at the University of Ottawa. Includes links to human rights commissions, federal departments and agencies, human rights legislation, tribunals and jurisprudence, federal and provincial law and policy, as well as websites dealing with broader human rights issues such as economic and social rights, bioethics, community planning, and income security.

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   Humanities and Social Sciences Division

  Library of Congress  >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Canada >> Society
  August 30, 2005
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