
Please choose the one that best describes your situation:


Fellows, interns and volunteers

You are a recipient of a research fellowship award; post-docs, pre-docs, short-term, latin american, & visitor awards.

You are an undergraduate student or recent graduate recipient of SI/STRI funding, receiving on-the-job training by working with STRI staff (approved through Office of Education).

You are a non-paid scientific or administrative assistant officially participating in STRI’s Office of Education volunteer program.

Class A Fees


Researchers and assistants

You are a researcher - PhD level, student or assistant supported by external funding; conducting approved research using STRI facilities.

Researchers and assistants: Any person doing research supported by external funding who uses STRI buildings or other built facilities.

Class B fees


Field Researchers and assistants

You are a researcher (student or assistant) supported by external funding; conducting approved research but not using STRI facilities.

Field Researchers and assistants: Any person doing field research supported by external funding who does not use STRI buildings or other built facilities.

Class C fees


Panamanian researchers, assistants or students

Panamanian researchers working on their own project, students working as assistants or students covered under existing academic collaborative agreements with University of Panama and other host country institutions.

Class D fees


Spouses and dependents

You are a spouse (or significant other) or dependent not engaged in research activities.

Class E fees



Visitors who do not receive SI, STRI or other grants to cover costs of services but who participate jointly in research projects with STRI staff as peers and who intend to publish jointly.  “Collaborators” use lab/office space of staff scientists. Collaborators must be approved in advance by the Director.

Class F fees


Research Associates

Person formally designated as such by the Director. Research Associates will have an official appointment letter stating duration and other terms. 

Class G fees


Commercial Visitors / Film Crews

Users of STRI facilities who are working for commercial gain, e.g. film crews.

Class H fees