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Climate Blamed for Slow Growth of Great Barrier Reef Corals

Global warming is slowing the growth of corals on the world's largest reef, Australian scientists have shown in a newly published study. Evidence is strong that the decline has been caused by a combination of rising sea surface temperatures and ocean acidification. "It is cause for extreme concern that such changes are already evident, with the relatively modest climate changes observed to date, in the world's best protected and managed coral reef ecosystem," said co-author Dr. Janice Lough. >>more

Obama Vows Dramatic Action Towards a Greener Economy

President-elect Barack Obama today pledged to quickly implement a plan that will save or create three million jobs by doubling the production of alternative energy; weatherizing 75 percent of federal buildings and two million American homes; and investing in new infrastructure, science, research, and technology. In a speech at George Mason University, Obama said his multi-billion dollar American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan represents "not just new policy, but a whole new approach to meeting our most urgent challenges." >>more

Senators Grill TVA Chief Over Coal Ash Cleanup

The head of the Tennessee Valley Authority today pledged the federal electric utility would do a "first-rate job" cleaning up the mess left from last month's massive coal ash spill. But at a Congressional committee hearing to examine the spill he faced sharp criticism from senators unconvinced by his promises. "You need to have a plan to clean this spill up and you don't have it yet," said Senator Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat and chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, which conducted the hearing. "People will never feel safe there again." >>more

Coal Ash Spills Could Happen at Dumps Across USA

Nearly 100 coal ash dumps across the United States pose similar or even greater potential dangers than the eastern Tennessee site that spilled a billion gallons of toxic sludge and contaminated water last month, finds a report released today by environmentalists. The study warns that the Bush administration has turned a blind eye to the risks of coal ash ponds, bowing to industry wishes and leaving the sites free from federal regulation and largely unmonitored. >>more

Ugandan Rebels Kill Rangers in Garamba National Park

The headquarters of Garamba National Park in the village of Nagero, northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo, was attacked Friday by the Ugandan rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army. Despite resistance by park rangers together with elements from the Congolese Armed Forces, numerous casualties and material damages occurred. A first report says eight people were killed, including two park rangers and two wives of wardens, and 13 were injured. >>more

Bush Conserves Vast Areas of Pacific Ocean as Monuments

Just two weeks before he leaves office, President George W. Bush today set aside three new marine national monuments in the Pacific Ocean. Taken together, the three monuments cover nearly 200,000 square miles, and they will now receive America's highest level of environmental recognition and conservation. "The first is we will establish the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument," said Bush. "At the heart of this protected area will be much of the Marianas Trench - the site of the deepest point on Earth." >>more

Waste Spills From a Second TVA Coal-Fired Power Plant
Wind, Solar Industry Leaders Urge Refundable Tax Incentives
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Back in Court
Oklahoma Pipeline Company Fined $3.3M for Jet Fuel Spill
Detroit Auto Show Puts Green Cars of the Future on Track
In California, Even Heavy Equipment Goes Green
Court Cancels EPA Clean Water Act Exemption for Pesticides
Energy Dept. Fined for Failing to Clean Groundwater at Livermore Lab
Delaware River to Be Repaired After 2004 Oil Spill
Newborn Manatee Death Numbers Jump in 2008
Law Center Names 10 Most Endangered Places in the South
11 Eastern States Commit to Regional Low Carbon Fuel Standard
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Great Bear Team Will Provide National Park Service With a Comprehensive Approach to Revegetation Envirosafe: The Green Choice for Fuel Storage How Green Is Your Company? New Green Performance Index Unveiled by LBG Associates Startech Environmental Distributor W2GE Contracts With One of Poland's Largest Chemical Companies for PCG Cyngas and Steam from Plasma Converter Systems $54 Million: Maryland Fly Ash, Class Action Settlement Wins Court Approval EPA's New SPCC Amendments Offer More Exemptions and Opportunities for Savings Colorado Senator Ken Salazar to Be Next Secretary of Interior Eco- and Wallet-Friendly tips for a Green Holiday Season New Aftermarket Automotive Technology First to Pass EPA Guidelines for Increased Fuel Economy Leading Sustainability Groups Host Organicology Obama-Biden Transition Inspires Green Work Force Development National Event Tour Husband & Wife Team Author Green Homebuilding Book Ford, Lear Earn Accolades for Innovative Use of Soy Foam in Seat Cushions The Alternative Energy Association Announces Three Point Plan to Stimulate America's Economy Vroom Vroom Vroom Car Rental Site Announces Carbon Offset Initiative to Make the Internet Green The Obama Cancer Plan USGBC Awards LEED Silver Certification for Home in Southeastern Pennsylvania

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